The Goth Dictionary

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Gothip: Gothip spread specifically within and about the black scene

relating to the Goths or their extinct East Germanic language, which provides the earliest manuscript evidence of any Germanic language (4th–6th centuries AD).
of or in the style of architecture prevalent in western Europe in the 12th–16th centuries, characterized by pointed arches, rib vaults, and flying buttresses, together with large windows and elaborate tracery. 

"Shes gothip, I know..."

Darque: An action or statement that is a bit too nihilstic and causes a reaction of all dark

ni·hil·is·tic/ˌnīəˈlistik,ˌnēəˈlistik/adjectiverejecting all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless.

"an embittered, nihilistic teenager"

Drac: Something remarkably cool and pleasingly creepy

[The word drac, from the Latin draco, means " dragon" or " devil" in several languages, such as Catalan and Romanian.] 

"Ooh! How Drac!"

Eldergoth: Someone over the edge or a round the age of 35 who has been in the scene, since the 80's. Usually given great respect.

" He's an Elder-goth, please show respect"

Necro: Something deathly and dark and undeniably cool 

Necro- comes from the Greek nekrós, meaning "dead person, corpse" or "dead." Similar in meaning and use to necro- is the common combining form thanato–, from the Greek thánatos, "death."

"That super Necro!"

BabyBat: Also Kindergoth, or noob,  someone who is new to the scene and still finding their way around

"Baby Bat" is a term typically used by the older Goths to describe the younglings (teens or even pre-teens) trying to get a feel for the subculture and begin their spooky adventures. It's sadly a mostly derogatory term, but I'm sure ever Goth had their less-than-wise, experimental, Baby Bat days.

"Oh Im not a goth, Im just a BabyBat, but thanks for asking anyways!"

Mallgoths: Usually a cluster of teenagers looking spooky in a mall or other public place to get attention.

Mall goths (also known as spooky kids) are a subculture that began in the late-1990s in the United States. Originating as a pejorative to describe people who dressed goth for the fashion rather than culture, it eventually developed its own culture based around nu metal, industrial metal, emo and Hot Topic.

"Those kids are attention-seeking Mallgoths!"

Bat: A word for a Goth in general

"He's a bat"

Moon-tan: The opposite of a sun-tan. The pale is acheived by never going into the sun.

"She's so pale, it looks as if she got a Moon-tan!"

Uber: Also'fancy', someone strkingly over the top Gothic style with no detail, better incentive.

uber-/ˈo͞obər/combining formdenoting an outstanding or supreme example of a particular kind of person or thing."he was an uber-fan of his favorite teamÜber is a German language word meaning "over", "above" or "across". It is an etymological twin with German ober, and is a cognate with English over, Dutch over, Swedish över and Icelandic yfir, 

"He's trying to be so Uber..."

Bleak: Used to describe music, meaning good "cause thats how we like it"

Bleak actually means dismal, dreary, bleak, gloomy, cheerless, desolate mean devoid of cheer or comfort. dismal indicates extreme and utterly depressing gloominess, but its a happy word for Goths.

"Hey this music's pretty bleak

A Depression or a Mope: A large group of goths.

ie; There's a heavy depression coming in or whole Mope coming into the bar

mope/mōp/verbbe dejected and apathetic."no use moping—things could be worse"a person given to prolonged spells of low spirits."they're just a bunch of mopes"

"Oh look, a bunch of Mopes coming in to drink"

Trad: Goths who have a taste for traditional style and artists.

Trad Goth fashion tends to revolve around black, leather, studs and band tees. Their hair is often black, backcombed/teased with heavy/dark makeup. They also heavily focus on home made/altered clothing. Common items include: Leather Jackets.

Typical markings include teased hair, angular eyeliner, and 80's inspired fashion and pipe shoes

"He's not just a goth, he's a Trad Goth, get it right."

Deathrockers: 2 punks a goth, 2 goths a punk.  Fans of death-rock music, typical markings include death-hawks, studded jackets, and torn stockings worn as any garmnet

"He's a Deathrocker with all that music he listens to"

🖤Author's Note:🖤 Hey y'all! First of all thank you so much if you have made it this far, Im glad you appreciate my writing, I love you!!!

Anyways, theres so much to cover and that I possibly cant list down [cause my fingers are crippling because of the excessive amount of typing I have done for the past 18 minutes] so you can go ahead and watch the video above.

 Hopefully you are enjoying this book, see you on the next chapter!!!!


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