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Kim's POV
I wake up early Saturday morning, and get dressed in a pair of jack's sweatpants that I stole from him, and a light blue malibu crop top. I put my hair in two braids, and threw on my vans. Since i had a long flight ahead, I wanted to be comfortable. After about thirty minutes of getting ready, I made sure i had everything that i needed, and i walked out the door. I took the elevator since i didn't want to deal with the stairs. I walked out of the front doors of Otai, and into a chauffeur driven limo that took me straight to the airport in ten minutes. "Thank you." i say as i hand my driver his tip. "you're welcome little lady."
I hop out of the car, grab my suit case from the trunk, and turn on my heel to walk into the japan airport. I check in, and go through security, and get my ticket from the flight service window. "your flight has been paid for by Grandmaster Tomo of the Otai Academy. First Class."
"thank you." i say, taking the ticket.
I wait about twenty minutes for boarding, and i watch "jane the virgin" while i wait. They let on the first class passengers first, and i get up to wait in line. once i reach the front of the line, i give my ticket to the flight attendant, and she tells me to head to the back of the plane.
"thank you" i tell her.
i get to first class, and take a window seat. i take out my blanket from my suitcase, and put it in the luggage compartment above my head.
I'm still pretty tired since i woke up early, so i decided i would take a nap for four hours of the flight, and spend the last four hours awake.
I played my nap playlist in my headphones, put my pillow behind my head, and fell asleep.
I wake up four hours later, and look out the window to see nothing but clouds. I can tell that we're in america, i just don't know where.
I text grace,saying that i'm coming home, and i tell her to get my friends and family all in the dojo, but not to tell them why since i want this to be a surprise. Jack, Jerry, Milton, Julie, Sloane, Brady, and Grace all go to Seaford University, so they're all in college too.
I watch two and a half disney princess movies, and four hours later, I'm in Seaford.
I get my luggage down from the compartment, pack up my blanket and pillow, and i walk off the plane. When i get out to the front of the airport, I see grace's car waiting for me, and her standing outside the car holding a sign that said "Kim Crawford(aka my bestie)" I roll my eyes at the sign and practically run towards grace.
"Kim!!!!! Hiiiii!! ohhhh my gosh i missed you!"
"i missed you too girlie."
"so, how has Otai been?"
"great, I'm a sixth degree blackbelt now."
"really? woah, when you left you were only a fourth degree."
"yeah, I'm a lot better. I can't wait to see everyone. Especially Jack. I've missed him the most."
"he's missed you like crazy. ever since you left he's kept his favorite picture of you framed and in his locker."
"oh my god, that dork."
We seem to talk about everything under the sun, and we pull into the mall parking lot in no time.
"yayyy we're here!!"
I get out of Grace's car, grab my stuff, and we walk to the courtyard in the mall.
"You walk in first, but don't make it seem like your waiting for anyone. Ooh! look down at your phone."
"that's what i was thinking! hahaha. okay okay, i'm going in."
Grace took a deep breath and opened the door to the dojo, staying as natural as possible.
Grace's POV
I walk in the dojo, and everyone looks at me.
"what are we standing here for babe?" Jerry asked.
"you'll see."
I say, walking towards jerry and him putting his arm around me.
Kim and I made a code word for when she has to walk in. Chicken Nuggets.
"i'm hungry," i say to jerry.
"i think i want some CHICKEN NUGGETS."
i say loud enough for kim to hear from outside the door.
She walks in, and they all yell "KIM!!"
Kim's POV
"Hey guys!! Milton Rudy Jerry!!"
I hug everyone except jack, leaving the best for last.
I stand in front of him, and he sweeps me off my feet, causing me to laugh.
"Hi Jackie." i whisper in his ear.
"I missed you so much kim. I love you."
"i love you too jack."

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