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Kim's POV
I wake up to the cherry blossom tree outside my dorm room window. I let out a heavy sigh as i sit up and grab my phone from my nightstand to check my morning notifications.
I have a reminder to drink water, my alarm, and a text from Grace.
hey kim! how are you? we miss you at home. hope you're doing okay.😘😘❤️
i reply, saying:
hey grace! i'm great! i miss you guys too. wish i could just skip mid terms and come home. tell jerry not to mess with my locker😂😘
I lied, i'm not great. This is the first time i've been away from seaford for this long, and i'm super homesick. i miss my friends, my family, the dojo, and most of all, i miss jack like crazy. His chocolate brown eyes, perfectly sunkissed freckles, beautifully wavy brown hair. He's perfect. GOD i miss him. I hadn't realized it, but I haven't had a jack hug in FOREVER. I long for him every second of every day. I need him. I need a Jack Elliot Brewer bear hug.
We facetime every night to talk about our days, but mine is usually the same. I put my phone back on my nightstand, and stand up to get ready for the day. Since it's nearing spring break, I decided that i would wear something light since it's getting warmer out. i pick out this:

I lightly curl my hair, and toss it over my shoulders, causing my blonde curls to bounce, and wash over my upper back

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I lightly curl my hair, and toss it over my shoulders, causing my blonde curls to bounce, and wash over my upper back. I brush my teeth, and put on some light blush, mascara and strawberry lipgloss. I grabbed my backpack off of my bedroom floor, along with my phone, and a pair of headphones, because let's face it, i can't go a day in school without music in my ears. It helps me focus, and it's super calming and it helps me distress. I slip my shoes on, and head out my door, and down the hallway to the first set of double doors that leads to a staircase into the cafeteria. I walk in the cafeteria, put my stuff down in my usual spot, and go make myself a blueberry waffle. I grab my waffle once it's done, and drizzle the perfect amount of syrup on top. I sit next to my friend Cami, and begin eating my waffle while talking about mid terms.
"are you nervous for the mid terms at all?" Cami asked.
"No not really, but mostly because i've had my mind on other things lately."
"like what?"
"I've been really homesick lately, Cami. I mean, I've never been away from Seaford for this long before, and i miss everyone at home. My friends, my family, the dojo, but i miss my boyfriend the most out of everyone. He's super sweet."
I pick at my waffle, and begin to lose my appetite from thinking about home. The day drags on as I look through all of my friends instagram pages, seeing all of their pictures without me in them. There's one of Jerry, Jack, and Milton in front of the dojo, with the caption, "the boys are back in town" on Jerry's page. I sigh as I look at the most recent picture on Jerry's page, a picture of him and Jack tubing on a lake. that looks like fun. i thought.
I put my phone down on my desk, and pay attention to the english lesson in front of me.
After an hour and a half of english, I go to Physics. I sit near Cami, and take out my notebook. Physics goes on fast, because I keep at my work. My next course is Martial Arts. My favorite. I go into the Otai Dojo, and put my backpack into my locker, and go into the girls locker room to change. We trained for about two hours, and I made myself a fruit smoothie for after practice. After i change out of my Gi, I walk through the strawberry gardens, towards the dorm building. I walk upstairs to my dorm, open the door, kick off my shoes, and flop down on my bed. "ughhhhhh, I WANNA GO HOME" i say into my pillow. My phone rings, and i sit up while grabbing my phone to answer. "Hello?" "Kim, it is Grandmaster Tomo. I have been informed my your friend Cami that you are feeling quite homesick. Is this true?"
"Oh, um yes sir."
"ok, I have decided, that since you have shown exemplary growth in your Martial Arts and your overall classes, that you can go home early for spring break. You can take the mid terms from there."
"r-really? thank you grandmaster. bye."
I hung up the phone, and squealed from excitement.
"EEEEE!! I'm going home, I'm going home,oh yeah uh huh, who's goin home? IM GOING HOME!"
I packed half of my stuff, and got ready for bed.
I only packed half because we still have this week and next week until spring break, and I'm leaving for home on Saturday morning, So I'll get home mid-day on Sunday. The rest of the week flew by, because I was so excited about going home. I packed the rest of my stuff Friday after classes. That night, I went to sleep dreaming about how in 24 hours, I would be with Jack.

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