Trouble (Part 2 - Rescue Plan)

Start from the beginning

"Why couldn't I move?! If I was able to move then I could've saved her!!!" She punched the car wheel as she cursed herself for not being able to do anything.

Finally making it back to the house, she burst through the door out of breath.

"Hey babe, what happened?" Tony was the first to ask while Whitty and Pico were sitting in the couch.

"Where's Claire?" Whitty stood up and walked to the door, seeing no sign of her.

"Updyke...took her...." she managed to speak between breaths.

"He was at the cemetery! He knew we were going to be there! He took Claire with him when she refused to say where Whitty was!" Suzy fell to her knees, crying into her hands.

The other males rose up from the couch, shock and fear plastered all over their faces.

"Damn it...." Whitty began to shake.

His shaking became erratic, grinding his teeth and clenching his fists until he snapped.

"FUCKING DAMN IT!!!" He shouted out, clutching to his head in anger.

His eyes were shifting through many shapes, his sanity being pushed to the edge.

"You could take me! You could hurt me! You could KILL ME! BUT WHY DID YOU TAKE HER?!?!" His fuse lit up, scaring the others in the house.

Whitty was about to explode, but Pico acted fast. The men were drinking some juice while watching television before Suzy came back. He grabbed the cup and threw it at his head, extinguishing the fuse.

"WHITTY! YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN! WHAT WOULD CLAIRE SAY IF SHE SAW YOU LIKE THIS?!" Tony shouted at the bomb, still shaking in anger.

"What would....Claire say..." He fell to his knees, his eyes finally calming down and returning to their original state.

"She'd....tell me that I don't need to worry....that she'll....always be there for me...." Looking at his hands, he saw an imaginary Claire looking up at him, wearing the smile that he fell in love with.

"Claire...." finally breaking down, he cried out as the others gathered around him.

"We have to let him calm down first, then we need to hear more details about the encounter." Tony patted Whitty on the back as he looked at Suzy.

"Girlfriend.." Whitty managed to say, "call Girlfriend..."

"I have Boyfriend's number, I'll call him to come with her quickly." Pico pulled out his phone to call him.

The house was in disarray, but the biggest problem was the same question that they all had.

"Where is Claire?"

*Time Skip*
Girlfriend and Boyfriend finally arrived at the house with Carol since she was with them, worried from the phone call.

"Now that you're all here," Tony turned to Suzy, "tell us what happened."

Suzy explained everything that happened at the cemetery, slowly crying from recalling everything.

"He said that he would send the location to meet, but how exactly will that come here?" Girlfriend asked.

Everyone began brainstorming, thinking of ways that the directions would be sent and how to save Claire.

Whitty was clutching on to the check that Claire gave him before she left, remembering the debt he owed.

Sadly, they kept hitting dead ends for each idea that they had.

"What do we do now?! How will we save her?!" Suzy was tearing her hair out of her head.

Living with a Rockstar (Whitty x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now