ix. nightmares

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 ─── nightmares

trigger warning : mention of attempted rape, stalking, harassment

trigger warning : mention of attempted rape, stalking, harassment

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𝕿hough it was to the disdain of many a god, who had their eye on the goddess...

"Delia." Hermes' voice was soft, sitting up with a wince so that he could reach for her hand gently. She was clutching onto her staff, her fingers so tight that Hermes feared she would leave indents in the wood. His hand found hers, gently prying her hand away, as Leto watched them with wide eyes.

"What is Zeus talking about?" Leto asked again, as Hermes shot her a glare and hesitantly touched Delia's shoulder. She barely glanced up, twirling one of her many rings around her fingers. "Tell me, please."

"She doesn't have to." Hermes pointed out, as he saw how Delia's face paled and her fingers trembled in his hold.

"Do you know what is going on?" Hermes shook his head at Leto's questioning, turning back to watch Delia with puppy dog eyes. "Delia, I am carrying Zeus' children, if something happened then surely I should know."

"It's because you are carrying his children, I do not wish to say anything," Delia murmured, looking up at the auburn haired woman with sad eyes. "Do not make me say it, please."

"I need to know," Delia began to shake her head, as Hermes shuffled closer to her and watched her with worried eyes. "Delia, just tell me! I can handle it. I swear I can."

"You think you can handle it? The truth?" Delia glared at the auburn-haired woman. "Fine, you want the truth. Zeus is a manipulative rapist and stalker who preys on innocent woman, then gets them pregnant so that they can't escape him. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Leto's jaw dropped, her face turning red as she stood up, her hands trembling.

"That's not true. That is not true." Delia stood up, and Hermes looked between the two women with wide eyes, unsure of what to do, of who to placate.

"Take a look at Hermes' face and tell me that the person who did it is a good man," She thundered in return. "Have you never thought to ask why I do not allow male gods on the island? Or why there is a barrier surrounding us? Or why I patrol nightly to check all of the beaches? Or why everyone on this island avoids you like the plague?"

"Stop it." Leto cried, throwing her hands in the air and storming off, as Delia shot off in the opposite direction and Hermes was left looking between the two and wondering who to go after. The decision took him seconds, as he grabbed Delia's staff and stepped out of the house to try and find where the petite blonde had disappeared to.

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