Chapter one The Ghost

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Hi there so as you read the prologue you know about the Ghost Crew from Star Wars Rebels if you've seen it watch all the seasons on YouTube this is a crossover of Star Wars Rebels Transformers Prime and Slugterra
Well Enjoy the awesomeness
(Neve's POV)
I explored Slugterra enjoying the scenery when I got a message from Commander Sato "Captain Skywalker we acquire your assistance the Empire is searching for new planets to take over and they received a transmission from your planet they intend to take over it" he said "reporting for duty sir" "Captain Syndulaa and the Ghost are on their way to pick you up however there is a entrance to Slugterra big enough for the Ghost to fit and it's near a hideout" "copy that sir see you at the fleet" I ended the transmission thank goodness we stopped Blakk for a while the Shadow Clan were keeping the peace I got ready for pickup "Neve nice to see you again" Kanan said walking out of the Ghost "too long mate" "what's going on?" Eli said with the gang "uh Neve what's going on?" I sighed as I explained what Sato said to me "well it it alright that we come along" Eli said Kanan nodded the gang packed their stuff and boarded the Ghost "welcome aboard the Ghost" I said "Neve your back" Ezra said hugging me "Ezra get off I need to speak with Hera *sigh* brothers" I said claiming up the ladder to the cockpit where I greeted Hera "nice to have you back Spectre 7" "good to be back" I replied we flew out from the cavern and to the surface two jets escorted us to the atmosphere the gang looked around amazed that they can see the surface we made the jump to hyberspace and arrived at the fleet

(Hera's POV)
I talked with the Shane Gang telling them about all our adventures as Neve changed to her pilot uniform when she finished we entered the command centre "Commander Sato Ghost crew reporting" I said as we saluted "good to have you back Captain Skywalker" "honours mine sir" "I see that the Shane Gang has joined us welcome to the Rebellion" "thank you sir"

(5 months later the Shane Gang left the Rebellion while Neve stayed to fight the gang waited five months for Neve to come back Eli's POV)
I saw the Ghost land and out came a girl who I missed dearly "Eli!" Neve gave me a hug "hi Neve welcome home" "Eli did you tell her yet" Kord yelled "tell me what?" I saw how curious she is "well the gang and I have decided that would you like to join the Shane Gang" "I'll be honoured to join" Neve said as she waved goodbye to her family that looked after her we had all sorts of adventures we fought Blakk until he went missing we wondered what he was up to Neve had a bad feeling in her gut that someone worse than the dark bane has joined Blakk
Hi sorry if this chapter is short but I ran out of Ideas
Eli: hey it's alright you just didn't know what else to add
Awe thanks Eli
Well I think I gotta go see how everyone's doing bye
Eli: uh okay buy then Neve: she is a busy lady Eli: yep
Hey everyone what's going on
Everyone: hi Neve KnockDown has sailed
Eee really
Everyone: *nods*
Yes I knew it pay up Callas
Callas: *grumbles gives me 50 pounds (I'm British)*
Hah thanks
Well see you all in the next chapter
Everyone including Neve and Eli: BYE! 👋

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