I made King Hunter 3 waffles and put them on the tray that was sitting on the counter before heading to his office. My stomach still ached some, but it was getting better. Maybe I can find some medicine in one of the empty rooms or I could be a "good slave" and see if I can get some from these monsters. I did have to portray a submissive little thing for a while.

I was lost in my thoughts and I didn't realize that I made it to Hunters office, standing in front of it like a dummy I knocked on the door and waited for him to tell me I could enter before heading in and walking to his desk. I didn't notice yesterday but looking at his office know I can see a floor to ceiling bookcase filled with different books behind him.

His desk is a dark wood, maybe mahogany? I am not sure, but it is beautiful. It is a simple desk with what surprised me, a computer and a phone. The desk faced the doors and a couch sat under a huge side to the left side. The right side held what looked like a bar. There were some clear containers and a few short, cups sitting on a long piece of dark wood. I didn't realize I was gawking until the King cleared his throat.

I stopped looking around heading over to the desk to set the tray down and wait to be dismissed. I have had plenty of jobs where I had to wait for the okay to leave the office and this was no different. I just didn't get paid, or a choice, or clean clothes, or anything for that matter.

"You may go I will allow the lateness this one time, but I WANT MY LUNCH ON TIME." The King raised his voice at the last part, and I did not want a repeat of the morning. I nodded my head and headed for the second-floor foyer to get started on the cleaning. Leaving his office, I half noticed that I had a shadow again. Great.

After getting to the broom closet on the second floor I looked inside trying to find a clock or something to be able to keep an eye on the time. There were no clocks on the wall, and I did not have a watch to speak of. I found an old clock with a radio attached and plugged it in. Great it just blinked 12:00 over and over again. Feeling the eyes on me now more then before I turned to the source and asked, "could you please set this clock so I can know the time, so I don't get King mad at me?" shocking myself I was respectful, and my voice sounded timid.

The guard, not saying anything to me walked over and programed the clock and broke the dial on the radio along with the volume. I guess music was out of the question. I set about my choirs and stopped to make Him his food when it was time. It was late by the time I was at the Kings room cleaning it and he entered. I had just finished wiping down the toilet when he walked in and grabbed me.

"You finished on time today, you may have a shower in my shower, and I have some clothes you may wear as a reward, slave." Hunter turned and walked out of the bathroom. I didn't waste time. I knew I was sore, and I had no energy left to stand but I have been in the same clothes for to long and I needed something to wear. I stripped the thin cloth off and stepped into the shower.

It felt great and I soaked it up. I washed my head as best as I could and used his soap to get the dirt and grime from my skin. I walked out feeling new. Looking on the sink I found a pair of shorts and a tank top sitting there, no bra and no underwear. Shrugging my shoulders, I reached for my nasty ones when I noted that they where gone. Fuck.

Getting the clothes on and slightly fuming that I didn't have underwear I walked out of the bathroom. He met me by the door and gave me a jump. Without warning he backhands me straight to the floor. "I gave you permission to shower slave, not to use my soap." He yanks me to my feet and breaks my arm.

I scream long and loud. I was not expecting this, I followed the rules. I didn't know I needed to ask for everything. I didn't know. Tears are falling off my face now. I can't stop this. I did what was asked and what I was told, and I still got beat. Fall to a heap on the floor. I can feel my mind locking part of myself away. I can feel myself disengaging from reality.

King Hunter drops me to the ground, and I continue to have tears roll down my face. Looking up at him he backhands me again. "Your life will be easier if you just do as you are told and do not use things without my say so." This time he goes to hit me, and I react without thought, I flinch. He smiles at this before grabbing my arm and pulls me to my feet. My body is ready to give out. With the beating this morning and now this on top of the deep cleaning and cooking I can barely stand straight let alone see straight.

King Hunter pulls me back to the spot that I slept last night. "Stand here and do not sleep tonight. If I see you asleep you will pay for it." He lets me go and heads to his own bed. I just stand there and think about my life choices on how I got here. Over the course of the night, to scared to sleep out of fear, look around the Kings room. My eyes fight me every second. I was about to lose the battle and close my eyes when the King awoke and looks at me. My eyes snap open and look to the ground. Adrenaline starts coursing through my veins.

"Good job slave, you may go cook my breakfast, just some toast today. I will be in my room. Don't make me wait long." The king gets up from his bed and sits on the couch that I did not see on the far-right side.

"Running from the room I head to the kitchen again and make his food as fast as I can. He didn't say what he wanted to drink so I just make the toast, I didn't say what he wanted on it, so I didn't put anything on it. Grabbing a plate, I put the toast on it and run as fast as I can.

I know I am stumbling around and unbalanced, but I did not want anymore pain. I wanted to obey him. I had to obey the king. I gave him the toast and he told me I was free to sleep.

"Thank you, Sir, where may I sleep Sir?" I wanted to ask. I wanted to stay out of trouble.

"You may sleep where you are standing slave, on the floor."

"Thank you, Sir." I laid down on the floor and was out before I hit the ground. 

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