"Ok Baby Bunny, there's a problem in the City again and I hafta go andfix it. OK? There's snacks in the fridge over there" I said pointing at the miny fridge "stay in here and no matter what, unless its our secret code, open this door. Got it? ok love you BB!" 

"P.A.M! engage safe room one!" I exclaimed while jumping out the window. Normally I wouldn't care for these little things, but those stupid Mummy things attacked my little Sister, and no one does that to Morgan.

I swung as fast as I could to the scene of the crime, and I found a huge ass beam going into the sky, where there is a black hole. 

"what the fuck?"

I observed from below as hundreds- maybe thousands of Mummies expand and contaminate other Parisians. I looked at the 8 foot Oscar and saw that he had that chick from my class on his shoulder. I swung down and starred him down, or I suppose up in an attempt to look strong.

"AYE BUTT-HEAD! COME PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE" I sized him up as he looked over to me.

"another masked hero?" I heard his crusty ass voice.

He turned to me and started walking to me, the mummies around me observing from afar. With him power walking towards me 

I started to run as he started to jog. A foot away he tried to strike me, I attached two webs to his shoulder's and knee'd him in the face, throwing him back. I grabbed the girl and swung away in a dash. Putting her down, and making sure that she's not injured. 

"are you ok Ma'm?" I questioned while looking back at the old geezer.

she didn't reply which made me a bit worried. I snapped my fingers and tilted my head.

"ye-yeah, just a bit surprised that there's another hero in Paris." she almost whispered as if in a daze still. 

"Ma'm I'm going to need you to do something for me" I asked while looking out for the other Mysterious heroes. 


"put the phone down" I grabbed her phone and placed it back in her breast pocket. I saw her 'sneakily' grab her phone and start to record. "stay here, don't die, got it?" not waiting for her response I jumped down and towards the pharaoh looking man. 

"so the spider came back." he barked. 

"yeah I am, now let's finish this." In a hurry picked up a man-hole cover and maneuvered my body to build enough force for it to hit him. 

He was huge and slow, I am small and faster, who do you think'll win this?

It looked like a dance, the way Y/N and The Pharaoh swung at and dodged the other. Not wanting this to go on any longer, T.P suddenly stopped causing him to get punched in the face and away.

"Sekhmet, give me your strength!" He curled up, and now has a black panther mask. After that power up he punched me in the stomach, which hurt A LOT.

"CGH" I flew back and tumbled multiple times, struggling to get on my knees I looked up at him as he chuckled. Getting ready to clap his hands when a black shiny boot kicked him in the side of his head, knocking the history loving man down.

"It looks like you could use a paw" laughing at his own joke he put a hand up for me to grab, grabbing his hand we both made it up to the roof of an apartment building.

"thanks for" breathe in "the help cat-boy." I gasped grabbing my hips and cracking my back, twisting it to hear that satisfying crack.

"what's this guy's deal?" I questioned while pointing at the Oscar man whom's trying to find a cat and a spider. 

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