Who cares about using the quadratic formula to plug in the velocity and time for when a ball reaches the ground again? Chenle thinks it's extremely unnecessary and difficult. But he hopes he is passing, otherwise he won't be able to participate in the art show.

"What are you so nervous about?" Donghyuck questioned the younger as they were packing their bags to leave the building.
"My grades," Chenle confessed, stuffing his notebooks inside his bag.

"Don't stress it. Worry about it when it comes, for now let's just have fun!" Donghyuck exclaimed, trying to cheer the younger up.
"I guess you're right," Chenle mumbled as they were now exiting the building and unchaining their bikes.

Chenle's Korean has gotten better by the day thanks to Donghyuck and Yangyang's help....more like torture. One day, Chenle didn't want to learn and just wanted to be lazy for the rest of the afternoon. Donghyuck and Yangyang were over at his house to tutor him and strengthen his Korean vocabulary, but Chenle had enough.

That wasn't until Yangyang reached inside Chenle's bag and took out his sketchbook, which portrayed many of his art pieces. Both Donghyuck and Yangyang had threatened the rip apart every single piece of art he has worked on. Donghyuck was so annoyed and Chenle could still hear him nag.

"Tú culo perezoso," Donghyuck had used his newly learned vocabulary in spanish.
And of course finding the both of them very intimidating, Chenle stopped his whining and went back into studying.

Both boys knew Chenle had a weak spot and that weak spot simply being art. Chenle loves it too much and if someone or something were to take it away from him, he might just flip out.

"Hi besties," Yangyang greeted on his bike. Donghyuck and Chenle were waiting for Yangyang to meet up with them in front of their school building.
"Hey," both boys said in unison. Noticing Mark walking out of the school building, Donghyuck bid his goodbye.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

Donghyuck had left the two to go home, since his house was on the other side of the street, next to Mark's. Yangyang and Chenle were walking their bikes home together. The weather was warm with a gentle cool breeze blowing every now and then.

"How's it going with Jisung?" Yangyang asked in Chinese and Chenle's face instantly turned red.
"I don't know, I haven't really been talking to him. He might think I've lost my mind since that time at the mall," Chenle stomped his feet.

Meanwhile, Jisung was watching the cute pouty dolphin in the distance having a battle with the ground while he himself had a pack of gummy bears. It's been a new thing Jisung has been doing for the past couple of weeks and he isn't sure why. He often finds himself wondering and thinking about the younger and what he's up to.

He's been having the strange urge to make sure Chenle was okay and that he isn't hurt. He just finds the younger so interesting because he's never met anyone like him, so sweet, yet open minded. Quite confident, yet extremely shy.

"What about you? How's it going with Hendery?" Chenle asked the older who frowned a bit, shaking his head.
"Still not talking..." Yangyang admittef and sighed.

When Yangyang had texted Hendery to invite him to the movies with them, the older left him on read. He didn't even respond and had the audacity the next day at school to walk up to him to tell Yangyang never to text him unless it has something to do with school.

"I didn't give you my number for you to be asking me to hang out. You only have it for school purposes only, got it? I don't have time to hang out with people like you," Hendery spat and left the classroom as Yangyang's eyes were welling with tears.

Yangyang blinked his eyes shut and calmly gained his composure. He searched for Hendery in the hallways and immediately found him at his locker talking to one of his friends, Xiaojun. Yangyang may have a crush on Hendery, but he will not tolerate someone disrespecting him. He doesn't care who it is.

"Hey jerk face!" Yangyang taunted and slammed Hendery's locker shut, causing everyone in the hallways to stop what they were doing. This was a school where the 'gifted' students attend if their parents agree to it so their were barely any fights as everyone was focused on their school work.

Xiaojun backed away from Hendery and watched the scene unfold. Yangyang was a very polite and sweet boy and if he is this upset to the point where he has to confront someone, then it must be serious.

"You think just because you're all popular, you can look down on others. Well news flash! The world doesn't work like that! You're not cool at all. You just think you are," Yangyang was beyond pissed as he stepped closer to the golden blonde boy.

"So wake the hell up and make your way down to Earth again from Mars," Yangyang snapped at the older who  promptly shoved the younger gently into the lockers, causing everyone around them to gasp.

"You don't get to speak to me like that," Hendery scowled, glaring into the younger's eyes and trapping the boy between his arms. The older's jawline evident from the close contact as the younger was directly below his chin, causing him to look up. And if Yangyang wasn't annoyed at the moment, he would've thought he was extremely attractive right now.
"Yeah? Well it goes both ways ass hat," Yangyang retorted.

Yangyang hasn't really encountered Hendery that much since the incident. The only time they did was for a project, but the two barely spoke a word to each other. Yangyang would always find Xiaojun and Hendery together and of course it made him feel jealous.

But what could he do? He can't just break up a friendship. He wouldn't do such a thing.


Pop off Yangyang!

I hope you guys enjoyed the extra long chapter today! I thought I'd make this chapter a bit longer than usual because I haven't posted that much this weekend as I was really busy doing my school work!

I'm so thankful for you reading though and I really hope you are enjoying this story. Let me know what you guys think!

Please stay safe, happy, and healthy <3

Much love...x

Gummy Bear Acception 《Chensung》||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now