Chapter Ten: Awkwardness x100

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     Cecelia's POV

     Cecelia sat. And sat. And sat. Thinking. Rehearsing, really.

     "About the remember-," Cecelia stopped herself. She had been going over what she was going to say to Luna for hours. And it never sounded right.

     Suddenly Cecelia heard a knocking on the door. "Dad?"

     "No, it's Mom. What's going on?"

     "Nothing, really. I'm trying to think of what to say to Luna."

     Mom nodded in understanding. Cecelia was glad she didn't have to say any more.

     "Do you...need help?" Mom offered with a smile.

     "I don't know. I can't get it right and I think maybe I just shouldn't say anything now."

     Mom frowned. "You should say something. The sooner you tell her, the sooner you get it over with. And you never know what she might say back."

     "Well...I guess that's true. But she might not say what I want her to. And...what if I freeze up?"

     Mom sighed. "Look, Cece, I'm not you. I can't answer every question. But I do know from experience that when telling someone something important, if you're nervous, start out with a 'hey' and see where it takes you. Okay?"

     Cecelia's mood brightened. "Thank you. Okay."


So Cecelia went over to the Song's house later that day. And as nervous as she was, she knew it was the right time.

"Hey Cecelia!" Luna said as she opened the door. Just then she saw Darla leaving. Cecelia was curious about that, but decided it was better not to ask.


Cecelia breathed out a sigh of relief. One step. Done. She talked. This couldn't be so bad, could it?

"What's up?" Luna asked with a smile. That beautiful smile that just-NO! That was not what Cecelia was here for. She could admire Luna another day.

"I...wanted to talk to you about the other day."

Luna's eyes raised in understanding. "Come with me to the backyard."

Luna waved her over and they walked. Soon she sat down on the grass and patted the spot next to her for Cecelia.

"What did you want to talk about?" Luna asked.

"Well," Cecelia swallowed her spit, "You remember the other day when we...touched hands and we felt sparks?"

Luna reddened a bit. "I remember."

"I...I kinda manifested the next day. As a Pyrokinetic."

Luna gasped. Cecelia knew that was going to be her reaction. She couldn't tell if it was from happiness or confusion, or other emotions. Although the accepting of abilities had gotten a lot better in the past few decades, they were still discriminating against Pyrokinetics and other abilities.

"That's awesome! I've always thought that's a cool ability! How did you figure it out?"

"Well, I came downstairs the next morning and my dad was making breakfast, but it was while he was talking to me, so he didn't realize that the eggs had caught in fire. Anyway, I somehow controlled it. Although I can't seem to do it on demand."

"Hmm. Well, that's a really cool story! I can't wait for when I manifest!" Luna said. And although she didn't mean for Cecelia to hear it, she heard a "if I manifest".

To get out of that situation, Cecelia changed subjects. But she realized later this would only make it more awkward. "Anyway, about the sparks...I think it was my ability. Maybe it was kickstarting or something."

"Oh." That was all Luna said.

She seemed sad. But Cecelia didn't know why. And then it hit her.

"No, I meant, well..." Cecelia restarted. "I'm sorry. This is really hard for me to talk about. I actually don't think it was just the ability. I felt something deeper, if you know what I mean."

Luna's face brightened as she looked up at Cecelia. "Really?"

"Yeah. And...if you want to come over after school sometime, maybe you could help me control my ability a bit and figure out all of this."

"Two hands are better than one, right?" Luna said as she placed hers on Cecelia's.


So this was just the cutest thing to write.
Curse you if you don't think so.
(just kidding.)
Anyway, please vote if you liked this and comment what you think! Love you all so much abs this chapter is dedicated to...drumroll please...

All of my commenters so far. AKA, Kinkajou2020 , Cammy284 , Lemxn_Breeze FosterJacksonFanGirl , Dizznee_Land , lavenderroses_nlove ,
and ExtremeKotlcFan  ! Thank you guys so much for commenting and viewing and all that good stuff!

Word count: 748


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