hello everyone,
I love reading and my favorite series are Kotlc, Pjo/Hoo, The penderwicks, and so many more. In my spare time I like to draw and listen to audiobooks of my favorite books(most of the time relistenig).

Now on to ten facts about me

1. I love Marvel
2. I like school but it's getting kinda boring
3. I have two cats
4. My room is always messy
5. I love cooking and baking
6. I spent 2020 watching HP, and the MCU movies with my dad
7. I have a little brother
8. SoKeefe for life!
9. I neeeeeed to visit Europe before I go to college
10. I have family practically all over the world

Love, Isabelle

We caught the THIEF,
We sailed the SEA,
We fought the CURSE,
We journeyed the LABYRINTH,
We saved the OLYMPIAN.

We thought it was over

We discovered the HERO,
We found the SON,
We followed the MARK,
We destroyed the HOUSE,
We've spilled the BLOOD.

We became KEEPERS,
We lived through EXILE,
We walked through EVERBLAZE,
Sometimes our hearts are NEVER SEEN,
But the LODESTAR shines on us,
We lived through the FLASHBACK,
We each have our own LEGACY,
It just needs to be UNLOCKED

Dear Bullies, you know that boy you pushed over earlier? He KILLED HIMSELF. That girl you called fat? She's STARVING HERSELF. And that boy you teased for crying? His mother DIED. You remember that man you made fun of for his scars? He fought for our COUNTRY. For YOU. That man you stole the little leather pouch off? He was HOMELESS. That girl you called a slut because she was pregnant? She was RAPED. And everybody else you've been mean to? You've either HURT them really badly or RUINED their life. Post this on your profile if you are against bullying. I bet 99% of you won't, but if you are that 1% with time and a heart, show it.
  • RegistriertJanuary 5, 2021