chapter thirteen: normal day

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As I was leaving the house this morning my parents reminded me of the dinner I am supposed to have with them today after school. I think I might just ditch it to be honest. I already have to stay after school to help Mr. Wilson my English teacher to grade papers.

"Pst...Anna!!" I hear Kate whisper to me, "Devyn is totally checking you out right now!" She points to him with her eyes.

I look at Devyn and he is definitely staring at me, he has this sort of fire in his eyes.

"Oh my god he totally is!" I whisper back to Kate.

Kate and I ramble to one another about how cute Devyn is and mid convo I feel something hit my back. I turn around and a paper plane is on the ground. Wondering who threw it at me I was starting to get pissed off but Kate insisted that I open it to see if there was anything inside. Like a note or something.

Hey pretty girl :)

Of course it was Devyn!! I look behind me and lock eyes with pretty boy, he smiles and I look down to write something back.

Hi pretty boy

Creasing the paper, folding it back to its original paper airplane form, I look to see if my bio professor is looking and thankfully he's not so I go for it!

Everyone sees the paper airplane flying across the room and a couple of kids chuckle so that caught my bio professors attention.

"What is so funny??!" He scowled.

Whispering to Kate, "Damn, who took a piss in his coffee today!?"

She laughs and then I immediately notice her straighten up and get all nervous. "Kate what's wrong-"

I was interrupted by a "AHEM!!" I look up from my desk and jump a little. I see a fat man towering over me. I avoid eye contact and look back down at my desk.

"Did I hear you say something Anna? Or have my ears mistaken me?" He asks rhetorically.

"Oh, I- I just said that I want coffee today. That's all sir!" I try my best to look as innocent as possible, my white shiny teeth smiling in his face.

"I'll believe you this time young lady, but next time I'll have to inform Mike." He warns.

"Yes sir it won't happen again."

My bio professor walks away from me and I sigh in relief. My ass is still torn up from yesterday night, I can not handle another spanking right now...

lunch period

"Salad salad salad! You're so tasteless Kate! How can you have a salad everyday and enjoy your life!?" I tease my friend.

She glared at me and I continue, "You need to join the gourmet side of the cafeteria. Obviously my cheeseitz here are wayyyy better than your salad." I pour my cheeseitz in her salad and everyone at my lunch table breaks into laughter.

"I have to stay healthy okay? Not everyone has a perfect body like you." She punches my shoulder a bit and I laugh.

That's really sweet that she thinks I have the perfect body, but little does she know that it takes a lot of work to keep myself looking the way I do. I might look okay on the outside, but on the inside my stomach is empty and wanting food.

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