Exchanging a glance at the dog's teasing attitude, Clarity and Taehyung simultaneously sharing the thought of pushing him down the balcony.

The only difference was that while the former simply considered the possibility, the latter was already lunging towards the railings.

"Yeontan" visibly stiffened as he sensed a menacing aura ooze out of the black haired man as he closed the distance between them at an inhumane speed.

As he was about to reach for the dog, however, Taehyung suddenly felt something tug at his consciousness as his movements halted.

His surroundings growing hazy, the man subconsciously stepped back to steady himself.

"Taehyung!" Clarity cried as she rushed forth.

She glared towards the railings, thinking that it was the dog who did this. However, her eyes widened after seeing that "Yeontan" was growing translucent.

"It looks like gate is going to close." The small puppy nodded to himself, then lifted his head. "He is going to return to where he belongs. After all, his soul was not supposed to be here. Hm, yes... I suppose I should get going too."

"Wait!" Clarity said quickly as she grabbed a random piece of paper on the table and started scribbling down some notes.

The last thing she wanted was for the real Taehyung to wake up, only to find himself in an unknown apartment with two unconscious girls and the police.

After noting down the relevant information for the police, she helped Taehyung onto his feet as the two exited Lune Kim's apartment. Before she closed the door, Clarity remembered to slip her concert ticket that she had decided to give to Lune Kim beside the notes on the table.

To avoid Taehyung being under the cameras, they exited through the back doors, the same place where they had entered.

Outside once again, Clarity lifted her head towards the night sky, only to realize that there was an additional shadow that overlapped the full moon. Unlikely its usual silver brilliance, the moon was veiled in a reddish glow.

Without further ado, Clarity turned towards "Yeontan," whose presence grew fainter by the second.

"Send me back to that world too," she said, looking towards Taehyung as she took his hand into hers.

"Yeontan" contemplated a few seconds. "You don't belong in that world."

"I don't belong here, either."

"If you forcibly go back, you'll lose contact with this world completely. Your physical body would be gone, indicating a permanent severance with this world."

Clarity was unfazed at his words as she nodded, her eyes glowing with resolve. "My place is not here."

"Clarity..." Despite Taehyung's weakened state, he gave her hands a firm squeeze.

Round eyes shifting between the two, "Yeontan" remained silent for another second before letting out a slow exhale.

"Is this your final answer?" he asked.

"Yes," Clarity answered.

"Then wake up."

Immediately following "Yeontan"'s statement, a blinding tunnel of light enveloped them.

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