Chapter 25: Goodbye

Start from the beginning

A Prank Master. 

Obito came across the training field, a tiny frown marring his face as he looked at the trio standing side by side looking towards him with shit-eating grins. "Alright, that's a weird-ass one-eighty. What do you guys have planned?" 

"Nothing, Obito-sensei." Naruto began. 

"We just wanted to redo the bell test." Sayuri quickly said.

"And if we win, you gotta teach us a cool jutsu." Sakura finished. 

"Uh huh," Obito said skeptically. "Hmmm, let's see here then. One high-class jutsu if you guys can beat me, what do I get if I beat you hm?" He saw the small surprise in the trio's gazes and he smirked. "If I win, then you guys have to train with Guy and his team for a whole week." Naruto's eyes widened, Sayuri's face went white, and Sakura turned green as she stopped the bile from rising to her mouth. 

"G-Guy's team?" Naruto whispered. He suddenly grinned as a predatory look crossed his face. "Alright, that's an acceptable deal. I'm going to kick your ass a lot easier this time around, Obito-sensei!" 

"Oh yeah, Naruto, I almost forgot. No holding back," Naruto grinned as his entire body was enveloped in a golden glow as he entered his Sage of Six Paths mode. 

"You're going to regret that, Sakura, Sayuri, stand back. I'll get him in one move!" Naruto shouted. "Obito! You saw the other you, right?" Obito froze as he saw his other self ordering the Ten-Tails to kill hundreds of shinobi. He frowned then nodded. "I'm stronger in this form than he ever was! But I only have about twenty seconds left, so let's do this!" He shouted before he dashed forward, disappearing in a blink of an eye as he went to hit Obito, only to pass through the man's body. 

Naruto's eyes widened and he turned around and saw Obito smirked at him, both of his Mangekyou Sharingan activated, a small stream of blood pouring down his eye. "I can keep my Kamui technique up for a minute at a time. By then you'll be back to normal and I'll just kick your ass. I hope you guys like training with Guy!" 

Naruto growled as he tried swiping at Obito again and again only for his fist to go straight through the man. He grit his teeth as twenty seconds was suddenly up. He returned to normal, but Sayuri and Sakura were throwing kunai and shuriken at him as he took swipes at the man with his swords. They had to make him run out of time. 

Obito cursed. He couldn't move yet, he hadn't trained with his Mangekyou enough to walk while not being touched. He also didn't want to try going underground. He was stuck until he decided to come out. Maybe he could try wearing them out? 

He felt his minute suddenly stop as he spun around and grabbed the kunai and shuriken out of the air and used the kunai to block a swipe from Naruto's sword. "You failed," Obito said with a smirk. 

"Gullible," Was Naruto's only reply as he made a single hand seal as an array of seals appeared right below Obito, suddenly restricting his movements. Obito tried moving his mouth but found it was very hard to even blink. 

"And now," Naruto placed the tip of his sword to Obito's throat. "I believe we won. Do you surrender?" Obito met Naruto's gleeful gaze and felt a swell of happiness come from his heart. He was getting better. 

"Ya," Was all he could get out. Naruto laughed and undid the seal and Obito collapsed to the ground, panting slightly. "Bastards." He heard Obito murmur. 

Naruto looked over to Sakura and Sayuri and grinned. "We beat him!" 

"Yes!" Sakura shouted with a wide grin and even Sayuri was smiling, proud of their accomplishment. Proud of herself for being just a Genin and being able to beat a Jounin with two other Genins with prep time. She frowned.

With prep time. Itachi would never give her prep time. She remembered Orochimaru's offer. Her hand traveled up to her shoulder where the curse mark was. He had caused her so much pain, but when she fought Naruto using the curse mark it felt incredible. She felt invincible. If that was only a hint, as he described, of power that he promised her, what else could the snake give her? 

She looked over to Obito sitting up and Naruto and Sakura making fun of the single other Uchiha than herself in Konoha. They were her family now. But. . . 

She thought of Itachi, who had already gone after Naruto, a threat. He threatened her new family. She had to get revenge and protect her new sources of happiness and content. If that meant making a deal with the devil, or in this case a traitor, then she would happily accept that deal.

She let out a mental sigh of stress as she walked over to Naruto and Sakura laughing. She was going to miss this. 

She had made her decision.

And done. Short yes, next chapter should be longer lol. Good? Bad? Weird? Tell me! 

Anyway yeah

Til next time my lil demons! 

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