Chapter 1

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⚠️Warning: this chapter contains some scenes and words which can trigger a few readers. If you feel uncomfortable then please skip that part.⚠️

Loud wails left the young boy's lips. His beautiful honey like eyes red and puffy due to heristically crying for over hours.

The pain he felt was unreal and unbearable. It's funny how just one moment you will be laughing and cherishing your life and just the next you cry like there's no tomorrow.
This is what the life is.

The young was too young to feel such pain but was too old to bear it.

No amount of consolidation was working. Everyone around the house tried their best so that their young master could stop crying but nothing worked.

After all how can the blond Male could stop pouring his heart out when he lost his husband and the fact which kept piercing his heart was he lost his husband the love of his life on their wedding anniversary.

Jimin: Taebear please open the door please my baby let me come in. Please don't shut us out Taehyungie please open the door

His bestfriend kept repeating these words but all in vain.
Just a few hours ago the whole Kim's palace was filled with giggles, laughter, happiness and now the only thing which could be heard around the whole palace was the loud wails coming from their young master's room.

An eerie silence engulfed the whole palace all the decorations was now just useless because the person for whom all of this was done was longer with them. The Kim's palace was looking no less than heaven, each and every corner was decorated with red roses as it depicts love.

The palace being situated on top a hill gave a breath taking view of the heavenly city of Sicily Italy. Highly sophisticated people arrived today to witness the one year Anniversary of the young mafia prince and his husband but no one knew that their night was going to turn out like this.

No one could have imagined something like this would happen with their lovely young prince. The boy who only knew to laugh, the boy whose upbringing was done with utmost care and love, the boy who could win every single souls heart with just his cute boxy smile was now a broken doll.

Lond sounds echoing the whole palace as the blond male kept throwing things inside his room destroying it completely. All the maids and his bestfriend was scared for him.

Jimin: Break the door.
He said to one of the Gaurds

Guard 1: But young master said not to dis-- before he could complete Jimin growled at him.

Jimin:do as I say if you don't want me to chop all of your heads

The Gaurds visibly gulped and did as they were told. They succeeded in breaking the door and entering their young master's room but the scene in front of their eyes left them horrified

Their in the middle of the room stood Taehyung with a knife in his hand ready to cut his wrist. His head turned towards them and for a second they felt as if their soul left their bodies.

The boy who stood in front of them was not their young master anymore. The boy was not Jimin's bestfriend anymore he was now just a broken soul. He was looking dead inside his soul was snatched away the moment he got to know his husband died. He died with him.

Jimin: T-taebear look we-we can talk please keep that knife d-down ok. Taebear listen to me you call me your soulmate right, please Taebear.
Jimin said to his bestfriend who was not ready to listen to anything

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