¤~|| Chapter Twenty Two | Another Hideout ||~¤

Start from the beginning

Three rolled her eyes, "Yeah, because that is what you all do best... Just put it for later," she grumbled lightly. Scarf placed an arm on her and she sighed, softening a bit. Six looked at them before walking behind Mono, Shadow Six, Three, Scarf, and lastly Eight following behind.

"Hey, uh, Shadowy," Six looked behind her, "Hm?" Shadow Six responded. "Do you... know those shadow children? You were quite shocked when you saw them," she asked.

Shadow Six blinked, then looked away while sighing, "Yeah... I knew them. Especially that one kid. His name is Shadow Seven and he, is uh... like the Lady's underdog and he would keep an eye on me."

Six rose an eyebrow, "Shadow Seven? Wait, does he has some kind of connection to Seven or something?"

Shadow Six shook her head, "I guess not... or probably they are... Most of the shadow children - unlike me - were made with a part of a child's soul, thus being a 'shadow'. Like I said before, I was born from Hecate, so I'm not like them, I don't need a mask to cover my face and don't burn when there is light," she explained.

"Hmmm, is there also maybe other Shadow kids based on our friends?" Six wondered out loud. Shadow Six nodded, "There is a possibilty. But I've never met them yet. All I know is Shadow Seven, and he is nothing like the Seven we know. He is cunning, sly, and ruthless. He doesn't care about the other shadow children and thinks of them as pawns. I'm pretty sure whoever the traitor is, or are, will just be fooled by him," she frowned.

Six whistled, "Now that's a scary counterpart," she noted. Shadow Six nodded, "Yeah... And I could see how he is the opposite. I guess shadow children are the opposite of the child they represent. Friendly selfless Seven over ruthless mean Shadow Seven."

"What about you? Or is that another thing you didn't get from being a different kind of shadow child?" Six asked. Shadow Six smiled, "I don't think I'm an opposite of you, that I'm sure of."

"Pffft, imagine Mono's shadow counterpart... The aloof kid who got a shy but friendly shadow child," Six smiled. Shadow Six giggled, "Not bad. Where ever this Shadow Mono could be it would be I would want to meet him."

Mono turned back to them, "What are you talking about?"

The two froze, "Nothing...."

"Hmm," Mono faced back infront and looked around, "Say Mono do you also know the way to this Hideout?" Six asked. Mono sighed, "Well, no. Not really. But-"

There was a scream, far ahead of them. The group turned to the sound and quickly followed it. At the corner, Six saw the hellhound again and the three shadow children. They seemed to be cornering a child, whom Six didn't have a good look at since they hid under a crate. The one who looked familiar, which was Shadow Seven, noticed the group and rose his head to them, smirking lightly.

"Well! Shadow Six it's good to see you again," he greeted, "I see you've found your sister. A pity, honestly. I missed you." Shadow Six frowned, "Shut up, Shadow Seven. I don't want to hear what comes out of your mouth."

Three looked at Shadow Six, "You know him? And why is he named Shadow Seven?"

"It's a long story," Shadow Six said. Mono held on his ladle, which was now in sword form, and brandished it at Shadow Seven, "I don't think it's just the three of you. Right?"

"Oh no, of course not Child of the Moon!" Shadow Seven grinned at Mono all friendly like, like as if they met before. "It's so sad you've caught us in a bad time. I would love to take you on, but I have matters to finish, now why don't you run along?" He said.

"Do you really think we're going to run along and ignore this?" Eight asked as she brought out her coin and turned it to a Celestial Bronze spear.

Shadow Seven grinned under his mask, "I was hoping you'd chose the lather," he said while unseathing his own sword, a nice looking Stygian Iron sword while the hellhound behind him glowered at them with those beady red eyes. In the shadows, more of those shadow children emerged and surrounded them.

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