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"N-nooo,I don't want to go home, atleast not yet," I plaintively cry trying to get myself out of his hold on my hand.

"Let's stay a little bit longer okay.. just a little bit longer-look this little bit,"I say bringing my hand with thumb and index finger in close proximity.

"What do you want?"he quizzes.

"All a girl wants to have is to have a little bit of fun is there anything wrong with that.."I ask raising my brow at him in question,my hands high up in the air dramatically.

"I think you'd had enough fun for one night,"he remarks his grip still firm on me.

"Pft! You're no fun - actually you're the opposite of fun,"I say tapping my fingers on my chin." Yes that's're a party pooper, someone who doesn't love to have fun.

"Look at you,not even affording to put on a smile,are you always this grumpy," I add jokingly as I cup his cheeks with one of my hands tilting his head.

"T-there,see it's not that hard is it, " I say to him as I create a mocking smile on his face with my fingers parting his lips exposing his perfectly white teeth formula.

"Doesn't one need to be happy so as to smile,"he says through his teeth.

"N-n-nope!"I slurred shaking my head in disapproval jabbing my finger into his chest.

"People do it all the time, faking smiles,you just have learn the art of which face or smile to wear in which day. No one's really going to know whether you're sad or happy and if they do then it's none of their fucking business,cause you know one ever fucking cares,not even a single soul,"I say and as soon as the words leave my mouth they leave a bitter taste. I know that I am being a blabbermouth right now,but at this point I really can't seem to have control of my words. It feels like Cole of all people is really listening to me, understanding my words even before I let them out.

"You don't understand shit of what am saying do you?" I ask and bursts into a laughter." You probably think am talking Greek,don't look at me like really in love with this feeling,I should be drinking m-more," I say hiccuping at the end.

"Be careful," Cole says to me as he rubs one of his hand on my back the other one holding me now by the waist."You're fucking wasted."

I wipe my mouth after throwing up right across the bush and almost stumble into a fall as I get away from Cole to get back into the party. Coming to my direction is a kid whose as wasted as I am,in his hands are two beer bottles and I borrow him one which he lends me and tells me to have fun before waving goodbye. Cole left two minutes ago after he muttered that he's going to get something I don't know what it was,I really wasn't paying attention to it.

"Give me that," Cole demands as he grabs the bottle from my hand and instead of tossing it he takes a gulp of the beer.

" I thought you didn't drink,"I ask eyeing him curiously.

"I thought you didn't too,now get in the fucking car." he orders.

"You can't be the only one having all the fun you know," he softly says while in the car to ease me up,to which a give a faint smile.
It feels as though the world is spinning,my head is buzzing and my whole body just feels heavy,my eyes flooded with sleep  and I eventually give in.

Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. Blinking and closing them again and blinking again. The light of dawn seeps into the room and blinds me.I am firstly aware of the coolness of the air and it's loamy fragrance. It's minutes later when I realize that am at a foreign place as I take into the features and colours of the room.

"Where am I?" I mumble before a door creaks open and Cole walk in.

"You.. what are you doing here," I  ask confused.

"I really should be the one asking you that," he replies with a smile which quickly fades away." I live here by the way."

"I see you're also loving my t-shirt," he slyly adds and I toss a pillow which hits him right in his face.

"Shouldn't you be a little nicer considering that not only are you under my roof but you also owe me one for the trouble you caused last night," he says as he throws the pillow back at me but I quickly take it in my hands before it can land on me.

My head hurts is all I can manage to say and he hands me two pills and a glass of water to kill my migraine. I pull the bed cover on top of me and realized that he actually wasn't kidding- I was in his t-shirt.

"H-h-how, w-w..when did I get here," I stutter.

"W-w-what did you do to me," I stammer.

"Where are my clothes,why aren't I in my clothes you pig..tell me what you did to me," I hysterically ask almost breaking into a cry.

"Don't even fucking get it twisted,it's far from what you're thinking in that stupid brain of yours," he scowled at me.

" Yes, I took in you're fucking wasted drunk ass with me last night, simply because those excuse of you're roommate friends ditched you and we're nowhere to be found, Secondly you wrecked of alcohol and let's not even mention the fact that you threw up on me and on your outfit and mine as well and there was no way in hell I was going to let you crash at my place in that condition,Thirdly I did get you changed into my t-shirt after you passed out and undressed you in yours," he explains defensively.

"Y- y..yoouu.. stripped me naked so as to cloth me," I stutter choking at the thought of it, my cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Don't worry it's not something I haven't seen before and besides you're not even my type," he rudely scoffs.

"Get dressed and then fucking leave," he roars as he tosses me my last night's party dress and towel all clean and neatly folded and slams the door on his way out.

I get out of bed and while taking off his t-shirt I find myself drawn into his scent,the soft and warm texture. His cloth had a rather sweet and pleasant scent of mint as I brought it closer to my nose.
Rhetorical questions flooded my mind..did he really do all that..I mean maybe I was a little bit harsh on blurred memory is far from me knowing what really happened last night,all I knew right now is that I had to be sorry.

After the refreshing shower I quickly get dressed and neaten the room before racing down the fleet of stairs to find Cole in this huge house.

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