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"Exactly how long are we ought to wait for you,"he seethed in anger while in question."Whatever is yet to be done should have been done yesterday or better yet if you were any close to being as organised you would have set everything ready for today."

"Almost done dad,"I reply as I hurriedly walk out of the door my luggages in hand as I shut the door behind me. I bent down to zip one of my suitcase's that I had been struggling with since last night but the stupid bag just doesn't seem to co-operate with me.

"Shit!"I curse under my breath as I watch my clothes and other personal belongings scatter everywhere before hearing my dad lashing out at me at clumsy I am. At this moment am sure he's really about to loose it with me.

"C'mon girl, relax just take your time okay,"my mum replies as she helps me to put the fallen clothes back in my bag.

"Time,time is what we don't have,"my dad says,"and what on earth were you doing for the past days that you didn't know better than to prepare yourself for this day."

If it was in any day my dad's wrath and harsh tone would have an effect on me and I would be crying my eyes out all alone in my bedroom as I have been for half of my life. But not today, today is an auspicious day for me,well it has to be for anyone especially if it's your first day of college. Especially for a kid like me whose life has always been under her strict parents settings.
I had spent the last two weeks preparing for this day and still couldn't help feeling more anxious and nervous than excited.

"Are you okay?,"my mum asks me as she lifts my chin up with a smile on her face.

"Mom,what if I don't seem to fit in..I mean what if they don't seem to like me.

"So what..I mean do they have to."

"Yeah mum,thanks a lot that really helps," I say rolling my eyes.

"You still don't understand,what I meant to say is that all you need to be is yourself. Who cares about the rest as along as you don't loose you then your good to go. They're the one who'd probably have to fit with you."she says with a laugh at the end.

I can't help but laugh along and thank her for the words considering that I really needed it. Don't get me wrong but being the antisocial kind I have always been more of less that which you can call a misfit,in my defense I hate people like I don't want to seem to be rude but people can be pretty much annoying most of the times and so practically being alone has always been my safe zone. The thought of socializing doesn't really scare me as much what really does is how fake one has to be. Acting all smiles and lovey dovey with every new face each with a question trying to get to know you is just something that has never seemed to settle well with me mostly because there's never anything to say that would describe me.

My mom helps me to get my luggages in the car before squeezing myself also in the back seat along side with it as she and my father take the front seats. I have for years rebelled against my father's choice of car which now marks the almost ten years he's had it in possession. The sight of it already just makes me sick, firstly it way too small especially for a family of five members and despite not having my younger siblings with me in the car there's still not that much of space left that can spell comfort. Despite the years trying to challenge my father into getting a new car I completely lost the discussion and the discussion was closed hence decided that the Aston Martin DB4 was here to stay. My father had already bragged on how the car was an iconic workhorse, a thoroughbred that never gets flustered and what lengths he had to go through to have and maintain it.

"I really hope that you don't end up as a disappointment in this institution as well,"my father says as he looks at me in the review car mirror drawing me back into reality and out of my thoughts.

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