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Minutes later I hear footsteps coming towards my direction and it is then when I wipe my tears with the back palm of my hands and try to fix myself before standing up. The last thing I want to do is draw attention to myself especially at my vulnerability state. When I look up am taken aback by who I set my eyes on.

"You..why are you here?"I ask as I let out a heavy breath I didn't know i was holding.

"Well I could ask you the same,don't mind me but this doesn't look like your typical kind of scene,"he replies

"It still isn't,"I reply defensively. My roommates insisted that it could be good for me,now am here thinking that they were wrong and I really should have just stayed home."I reply still trying to fight the tears in my red swollen eyes. I know he can see it,the tears and how broken and lost I seem to look right now. What I can't really put my finger on is why he isn't being an asshole like the last time we conversed.

"Do you mind if I keep you company?"he asks as he sits in front of me in the same position I am in.

"Aren't you supposed to be the nosy type, just ask me why am crying,pity me or make fun of me,I don't know whatever you choose then leave,you don't have to put up this nice guy act with me,"I say to him and instead of him reacting to my harsh remark he just stares at me and shakes his head.

" Do you always answer a question with a question? And no I don't want to know, that's if you don't want to tell me,"he replies with a smile on his face." Am actually the kind that minds his own business."he adds.

"I just think it wouldn't hurt to use a friend right now,"

"You're kidding right? And what in the world gives you the sick idea that the two of us could ever be friends?"I question with an eye roll." You're nothing but a sweet talker and lemme tell you,it won't work on me,sorry." I angrily reply and try getting up on my feet to walk away from him.

Tokyo warned him that he's no good and I don't mean to be judgemental but I already experienced that for myself on the first day.

"You don't have to be so bitchy,am only trying to help. Am sure you're already bored to death with this lame ass party,lemme get you home,"he offers and I really don't know why but I can sense a feeling of sincerity in his request. "Heaven only knows what drunk and wasted state your so called friends are in."

"I'll need to find Alyssia and Skylar first,"I say to him hopefully he knows them and he nods his head to say that he does have an idea about them.
He walks with me back to the party and unfortunately we don't get to spot any of them.

I really should have known better than come along

"Before I get in that car with you I want to make something clear,if you try anything funny with me believe me I will skin you alive,"I threaten and I see him sarcastically act like he's petrified his hands in surrender in the air as he opens the door for me.

I can feel him steal glances on me while in the car and I find myself do the same. I end up smiling inside when our eyes lock in each other for a minute.I can't help but notice a smirk like smile make its way to his pink lips makes my stomach churn.Could I have been wrong about him, maybe he's not as bad or what if this is just something nice he does for everyone.

"So tell me do you always do this  kind of thing every time with every girl,"I find myself blurt out.

He lets out a soft laughter and I really can't blame him,I myself feel stupid asking that,I mean what the hell

"What I meant to ask is are you the nice kind of guy or the same asshole as our first encounter,"I ask him

"I can be whatever you want of me baby,"he replies in a cocky attitude and winks at me.

"Arrrghh!"I groan and roll my eyes then turn my direction to the car seat window panes.

It's pretty late and there only countable faces on the streets. I would have never had it in me to walk in the night all by myself especially being a girl. I can't help but imagine of the worst scenarios that befall in the streets,the assholes that prey on innocent girls instead of keeping their putz in their pants.

"Is this the place,"the guy asks and pulls over to one of the car parks there.

"Yeah,it is. Thanks,"I say and really mean it.

"I can walk from here,thank you very much,"I say to him as I gets out of the car as stands there watching me

I get in the house and freshen up, after two attempts and failed calls to Alyssia I get to bed and it's not long before I fall asleep.

I have never tended to a drunk person especially with the hangover I learnt that comes with it. The girls look like complete mess, restless and dark eyebags. Alyssia doesn't stop whining about the massive migraine she's having and I honestly want to tell her that she deserves it but I instead keep quiet.

After a research on how to care for such persons,I end up making them a cup of ginger lemon tea.
I still have a long way to earn Skylar's trust as she instead decides to sleep it off the entire day. She doesn't like me reasons still unknown to me.


It's been a whole month now ever since the party,and ever since my dad's rude talk to me. Just as always he's tried reaching out to me but not to apologise but act like nothing ever happened. I don't even know why it hurts when I should be used to it. He's apologies are always once in a blue moon. My mother however promised that she'll talk to him after she listened and understood my side of story.

I wasn't that at fault was I

After classes I come back to the apartment and calling out to Alyssia I don't get a response from her. She's not in her room and I therefore decide to go to Skylar's room. There's a foul smell coming from her room and it's suffocating. I open the room and see her in the company of a female friend, she's not as different in Skylar's description. The room however is a huge mess, clothes strewn all over the floor.

Skylar's sitted in the middle of the bed and her stranger on the floor just beside the bed. They all seem to be smoking something, and with blood shot eyes.

" you know where Alyssia is?" I ask and she shakes her head no then shouts at me to get the hell out of her room.
While getting out I hear Skylar's friend mumble something to her about me but couldn't hear it clearly.

My fingers run through my wavy hair too many times and I sigh in frustration and after much thought I decide to go for a walk. I have never been the kind to put on too much makeup, mostly because of the several failed attempts and therefore cleaning my face doesn't take that much of my time.After a long warm shower I find the comfiest pajamas to put on and put on my canvas shoes. I need to take a breather or else I will loose my mind being locked up here.

I connect my phone to my earphones and walk out, it's only evening so I still have time before it the night falls.With my favorite playlist of Tate Mcrae's hits. I grab the keys on the dinning table and head out locking the door. I can't tell how long it is i walked and I finally find a park comes to view and I go to seat on the park bench and pull out my phone and loose myself reading some of my favorite stories.

*Another update just as promised, though not on time but atleast it's still something right.. hahaha. In my defense I was engrossed in reading Before by Anna Todd. Y'all remember After right,yes  Hardin's P. O. V and it's safe to say am obessed. Let's not even get to how exciting After We Fell teaser is..I just can't wait y'all(..screams). Hopefully one day I can get to experience that same excitement as Anna's(cries). But for now..


To Be YoungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora