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"So you two are like friends now is that it?" Alyssia asks shock plastered all over her face.

"Yeah, we're now what you call bestie's," Skylar's replies looking at my direction with a smirk on her face."Right Sabrina,"she adds laughing hysterically at the end.

"Yeah,we sure are,"I reply laughing along.

After a mouth watering breakfast Alyssia grabs me by the arm and takes me aside and questions me.

"What really is all this about?" she asks.

"I really don't know what you're talking about,"I reply innocently.

"I know you know what am talking about,"she replies still not letting go of the topic.

"She told you not to tell me about it right,it's okay then,"she says."Skylar has had her shares of highs and lows but mostly lows. From the wrong type of crowd of so called friends,her fucked family, school, the addiction and so on and so forth type of shit I know that there's higher chances of her going back to the darkness and I really don't want that for her. I really want her to be okay and if you're the one to help her with that then am happy."she concludes saying.

"How do you know so much about her.."I can't help but ask.

"She and I are somewhat cousin's,but our families rarely see each other eye to eye. Unresolved family drama I guess but Sky and I try to get along since we can basically tolerate each other out all the other family members we're stuck with. It's something that we don't talk about or even make known mostly cause it's irrelevant I guess." Alyssia finally says and I can see a drop of tear trickle down her chubby cheeks but she insteads rapidly blinks and let's out a giggle.

"She's lucky to have you,"I say to her and pull her in for a hug.

"What's not happening.."Skylar asks as she walks in the room and is met by emotional teens

"It's nothing," Alyssia replies." You two should really get going or you'll be late,i don't feel like attending classes today."

"Can I drive your sweet ride?" Skylar asks Alyssia pulling out the cutest puppy eyes ever seen.

"Well you already stole the keys," Alyssia replies laughing pointing to the keys in Skylar's hand.

"It's a freaking BMW Z4!" I exclaim quite flabbergasted.

"More like her baby," Skylar replies."She treasures this car more than her own life."

"Must be nice,"I jokingly say and roll my eyes recalling the excuse of a car we have back home. We get in the car and Skylar drives us to school.

"I really didn't think we'd ever get along," Skylar says with a smile.

"Yeah,me two,"I reply laughing.

"C'mon Sabrina it'll be fun,I promise," Tokyo begs me.

"That's what they said last time,"I reply focused on Skylar who ends up laughing.

"That was cause it wasn't my party, we're supposed to be best friend's right.. aren't you supposed to be there for me?" Tokyo asks.

"He's right and this time we promise that we'll stick together and of course have loads of the real fun," Skylar says with a smile.

"Fine, but I won't stay too long,"I reply and pull out my phone to check what time it was.

"Shit! I really have to get going now,"I exclaim.

"Wait why and where are you going in such a haste?" Tokyo asks.

"It's my first day at work and am so late,my boss doesn't like me already and being tardy would just give him more reasons to fire me even before I start working there."I quickly reply before rushing out.

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