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Song Recommended- Lay me down by Sam Smith! (He won 4 Grammys and I'm so proud of him!!!)

Book Recommended- House Rules by Jodi Picoult (I'm reading it right now and it's pretty damn amazing!)


I wasn't so gullible.

I was raised better than to have a conversation with a person who Ive never seen but has seen me.

But every week I found myself with the book in my hands.
As much as I itched to write back. I didn't.
I didn't write back..


Sure, he wrote every week but that didn't mean I replied.

'I like the toilet because it's a place no one disturbs me. And I tend to reflect on life (bad habit I know.'
'Did you know that a cow can climb up the stairs but not down? Cool right? But that's also mind boggling.'
'My name is Tom Riddle. Nah just kidding. I won't tell you. But I had a Harry Potter marathon with my little brother yesterday and I'm kinda obsessed with that conversation. I always was. I swear my notebooks when that book came out had the entire conversation written. I've memorised it. Harry Potter= Coolest and awesomest series ever!'
'You should read the tales of beadle the bard. It's good. I don't like the recent JK Rowling novels though. Not so cool.'
'You should read House Rules by Jodi Picoult. Awesome book! And WONDER! Oh that book was amazing! #SoRelatable (arent I flipping awesome? Hashtags and shit) lol:P'

And the latest;

'Okay. So you aren't replying because you probably think I'm a creep. Storm eyes, I don't know what to say to you now:(
Fine. I'll giving you my number. I doubt you'd call me. That's okay. You can get any friend or anyone to call me. Atleast you'll know I'm not a pedophile that way.
I miss you, Storm eyes.' And there was a number written.

Hesitantly, I copied it onto my phone and saved it under 'coffee mate.' I shut the book and handed it back to Ken who smiled sadly at me but didn't say a word.

I am beyond exhausted right now. But whateves.
Hope you enjoyed!!!

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