Happy Forever alone eve

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May:happy forever alone day guys! 😊

Marina: well there's nothing special about this but really I mean I'm all alone, Jimmy isn't here 😢

May: it'll be okay Jimmy will show up and if he doesn't you can celebrate with me because were best friends.

Dawn: yeah I mean the usual doing the party you can come to good because of your girl and were all alone really

Misty: because those idiot Gazza doing your stupid little shit things I swear girls do live longer even guys would live longer than those idiots

Leaf: well earlier get Gary give me a $300 necklace I needed looks so nice too I really like him, no love him

Dawn, Misty, May: Aww only if our boyfriends would do that for us though.

Marina: A guy as well I'm going to go to the store the day after Valentine's Day because of 75% off chocolate

May: oh yeah take me with you.

Marina: -awkwardly- yeah him I would rather live and get out alive and even get in alive no offense...Nor do I want to be poor like last years fiasco.

(Last year at the store)

May: Chocolate chocolate job why oh my god chocolate let's get diabetes oh my god look over there oh my god, you should get me chocolate and spot me some money because I want chocolate! I just want chocolate please please pretty please?

Marina: -ended up really mad and really poor afterwards after selling out the whole store just for May just because she was all alone because this is before she met Drew-


May: yeah... sorry....

Dawn, Misty, & Leaf: Damn...

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