Chapter 18: Plans and Preparation

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Tokoyami was perched on the top of a tall Black Pine tree, in the dead of night overlooking the camp far below him. As soon as Aria Lin had given them the rough area to look at, Nezu wasted no time in having himself, Mapper, and Hawks scout the area. Mappers quirk, Cartographer, allowed him to recreate a perfect miniature representation of any place he had been to in the past. He had been enormously helpful during the war for plotting out and drawing up battle plans for assaulting well-defended positions. It was like a three-dimensional photo made of light, essentially a hologram that he could manipulate at will. At the moment, he was camped out on the nearby mountain, Waiting for Tokoyami and Hawks to finish preliminary scouting.

Tokoyami had taken the eastern side of the camp, while Hawks had taken the western side. The camp had been relatively difficult to discover, even when they knew the general area to search. It had a massive camo netting draped over the trees above the camp that encompassed the entire ceiling. Looking down at it from above, one would never know there was a secret League of Villains research facility buried into the mountain it was on. Eventually, however, after the onset of night, they had finally spotted some pinpricks of light in the forest. Now Tokoyami was waiting for Hawks to get into position, so they could swoop down to the camp outskirts and scout the camp closer up. Hawks would take charge of the perimeter, while Tokoyami, with his quirk, would infiltrate the camp itself and discover what he could. It was a risky plan, but it was one familiar to them both by now. Tokoyami's quirk was preeminent for infiltration, allowing him to become practically invisible within shadows thanks to his quirk being able to merge with them to a certain extent.

"Tsukuyomi, you in position?" came Hawks voice over the radio in Tokoyami's ear.

"I'm ready," replied Tokoyami

"All right, I'm at the perimeter ready to begin, move into the camp," said Hawks.

"Roger," replied Tokoyami, and he wrapped himself in Dark Shadow and flew down to the perimeter. He took it very slowly, carefully making sure there was no one nearby before he swept into the shadow of a pre-fab building.

"I've passed the sentry line, cutting communications." He whispered into the radio before turning it off.

He peered into the window of the small shipping container-sized building. He saw three people inside huddled around a table. They were Smoking and playing cards, not paying attention in the least to their surroundings.

"I wonder how long they've been stationed here. Probably a while if they're ignoring their duties so blatantly." he thought.

He could imagine how tedious it must be to keep watch for a place that no one was supposed to know existed. He shook his head at the scene and moved away from the window. He crept to the corner of the building and pulled out his small monocular periscope. He lengthened it and using it, he looked around the corner of the building, otherwise, he would have to poke a large amount of his head around the building to see anything. The downsides of having an Avian head, he had discovered.

He looked around the side of the building as best he could, trying to see if there were cameras or people who could see him if he came around the corner. After looking carefully for a minute, he didn't see anything to worry him so he stowed the periscope back into a pocket and poked his head around the corner.

The camp was dimly lit, and there were various prefab structures set up all over the area. Most had poles sticking out of the top of them to help prop up the camouflage netting above the entire camp. As he surveyed the area, he could tell that the laziness of the guards in the building next to him was a fluke. He could sense the tension and alertness in the camp, no one walked alone, being in groups of two or more. after observing for a while Tokoyami saw that patrols were organized and timed, a well-known routine, with the guard posts manned and watching. He was fortunate that at least one of the guard posts seemed to be taking things less seriously.

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