Before, every time I’d escape from work early, I used to sit around the subway station near my home. After arriving in my station, I’d be sitting on the waiting chairs, listening to my MP3 as I watch the peak hours of the subway, get packed with ever-changing office workers knocking off work, just like a conveyor belt in a factory, transporting somewhat a can of human beings to various places.

It brings me pleasure to watch while I sit at one corner. I was thinking that I really got a deal by escaping the office crowd.

But now that I’m somebody with a boyfriend, I have to abandon this lowlife hobby, when I get off work early, I have to go to the hospital to rub my ear against his shoulders. 

Since I’ve been wasting 3 years in this matter with my virgin boyfriend, so my heart generally feels a little guilty, this tiny guilt is probably a part of being in a business I’m unfamiliar with.

When I was finally at the hospital’s lobby, I gave Jungkook a call, when the call went through but of us spoke simultaneously, “Where are you?”

I said, “I’m in the hospital lobby.”

He said, “I’m on my way to your office.”

I said, “Ah! Then what should we do?”

He said, “If you turn right after you get out of the hospital, you can find a drink shop, you can drink something there while waiting for me.”

I thought about it for a moment and told him, “I’ll just wait for you in the lobby.”

Mainly because Suga already delayed two months worth of my salary, and also, the consumption around the hospital were certainly more expensive than in other places, the last time I bought tea eggs around here, they were 50 cents pricier than anywhere else……look at my state of poverty……

“Then you stay in the lobby, and don’t run around. I’ll be there soon.” Jungkook  said. “Okay, drive carefully.”

Half an hour later, when Jungkook found me near the hospital entrance, I sat trembling under the shade of a tree by the roadside.

To be born, to grow old, to get sick, and to die. This world is very unpredictable, the occurrence of incidence in the hospital is also unpredictable, I was in the hospital lobby for thirty minutes, and already encountered an unpredictable moment in time.

Half an hour back, I hung up my call with Jungkook, with a nauseating smile on my face distinctive to that of people who were in love, I looked for a place to sit down.

About ten minutes later, there was suddenly a woman’s scream from upstairs, accompanied by banging, messy, and hurrying footsteps, then before I could react, a woman with disheveled hair came tumbling down from the second floor, and landed heavily in front of me, just about five paces away.

I looked at her frightened eyes, filled with tears.

I looked at her twitch like a dying fish on the ground, and then became still.

I looked at the foam, slowly coming out from the corner of her mouth.

I looked at a group of doctors and nurses who were rushing downstairs, yelling, “Quick! Give her a sedative.”

I looked at the thick needle, going into her arm.

I wanted to say, “Are you guys f*cking crazy?! She’s already not moving yet you still want to shoot her with some sedative! Why do you f*cking love to give injections so much?! You’re f*cking doctors not wasps!”

However, forgive me for not being able to say a single word.

“Lisa? Lisa?” Jungkook crouched right in front of me. He was waving his hand before my eyes, he looked deeply worried, “What’s wrong with you? What happened?”

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