Chapter 1. Beginning

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[Major note: I might actually re-write this whole thing as Ive changed my mind about the direction of the story. But for now- enjoy my quirky fanfic hahaha xD]

I was always a lonely kid. The kid, everyone would be too afraid to talk to, even though i was always smiling and tried to seem super friendly to others.

It just never seemed to work, they either were scared of me or hated me. I learnt quick to just accept this and enjoy my own company and stop trying to please people who wouldn't even look at me without judgement.

Having no parents made it especially hard. Hearing everyone talk about their parents getting them cool things and how cool they were. I felt like i had nobody. That's probably why i always looked up to Mighty Eagle so much. He was brave and always confident in himself, knowing he could do anything. I still believe in him, unlike everyone else on this small island and pretty much everything has stayed the same ever since i was a kid. Except that now everyone suddenly recognizes my existence every time i blow up. It is so frustrating seeing so many eyes on me with so much discomfort and disgust, it always makes me want to disappear so much but at the same time just scream at everyone.

The judge gripped onto his wooden stand with such annoyance that his fingerprints were marking the wood.

"Anger Management Class?!"
Red screamed at the judge Peckinpah's sentence.

"Yes, your issues have been affecting our community long enough, that i can stand it no longer."
The judge exclaimed, cutting the air with his arm, glaring at Red, whose eyebrows tilted to the side.

"Your first session will start tomorrow. I best expect that your attitude improves in at least the next 3 weeks, Mr Red."
The judge finished. Red clenched his fist tightly into a ball, feeling his own face turn Red. But he continued to stay quiet and try and act calm. Once judge Peckinpah had finished his rant, Red stormed out of the court, slamming the massive doors behind him. Every person he past he would only glare at and walk faster, feeling like a bomb about to blow off.

Red sped home, isolated on the quiet beach with only the waves to calm Red down as he stared at the beautiful sky and sparkly water that shimmered in the moonlight. Red entered his bedroom and laid on his bent mattress, dreading the next day but eventually being able to fall asleep.

Red again awoke to the sunlight blaring through his window, telling him it's daytime. Red sat up, doing his daily stretches and finally got ready to leave. Red slowly walked over to his new 'anger management classroom' that already looked horrible to Red. He entered the building and was immediately introduced to his teacher, Matilda.

"Hi! You must be Red."

"Uuh yeah?"

"Welcome! This way, it's going to be so exciting to have you here."
Matilda cheered, wrapping her arm around Red, guiding him through a beaded doorway and through another colourful room where three other people sat waiting. One sitting to the far right was a large man, wearing mostly black with a hat on top., he seemed very shy and nervous as he softly smiled and weakly waved at Red.

Beside him in the middle was another guy, a bit less bigger than the other guy, he was constantly jumping in his seat as he had a huge smile plastered on his face, Red could tell he'd be a nuisance. And lastly to the far left was an even larger guy who just menacingly death glared Red, grunting deeply, sounding almost like words. Red noted to himself, not to upset him.

"Guys, this is Red, please all make sure to make him feel comfortable and happy here."
Matilda gleefully said, showing Red his little seat, which was only a couple of pillows. Red hesitantly sat down, looking over the tense room as Matilda went to sit down beside him.

"Now Red, why don't you introduce yourself to the class?"
Matilda offered, sweetly smiling at Red who couldn't even bother to move his face to smile.

"Uuh no thanks, I'm good."
Red calmly denied. Matilda looked at him, her eyebrows twitching, but still smiling.

"Well what about...- why you are here then?"
Matilda offered, still acting sweet but Red was still not interested.


"Well then ...Bomb! Why don't you tell us why you're here then?"
Matilda asked, twisting her head over to Bomb who was just peacefully sitting across from Red.

"Oh okay. Hi, I'm Bomb, um well whenever I get scared, or frightened, i kind of have a tendency to explode- Just throw whatever's near me and run..."
Bomb looked down, looking guilty as he clutched his hands together.

"It makes it really hard to socialise a lot."
The smaller boy patted his shoulder from support as Matilda looked at him with much sympathy, and Red just sat there, bored out of his mind.

"Thank you for sharing Bomb. That must be very hard for you... and how about you Chuck?"
The teacher asked, turning over to Chuck a bit more relaxed.

"Well i don't think it was really because of anger, I was just having some fun!"
Chuck defended, leaning forward in his seat. Matilda just raised an eyebrow, looking like she wasn't expecting Chuck to tell the truth.

"Are you sure? Cause the story i heard was a bit different from 'just having fun'."
Matilda criticised, grabbing a folder and reading the first few sentences.

"Says here you ran a stop sign, stole a cops pen and paper then hid it so the cop couldn't 'give you a fine'."
Matilda then glanced over at the guilty Chuck who was holding back laughter.

"Well it was funny to me."
Chuck again defended but Matilda just closed his folder and moved on.

"And next is Terrance, Terrance do ya wanna say your part as well?"
Terrance just grunted loudly as Matilda awkardly listened.

"Okay well fair enough, that's a pretty good reason..."
Matilda added, tapping her crossed knees with his polished fingernails. Red leaned further back onto his pillows, awaiting the time he can finally leave.

"Okay guys, first thing that we'll be doing is sharing some things that we are grateful for, and focus on our happy moments."
Matilda cheerfully announced with Red groaning in the background. Matilda just ignored him as she continued on.

"Now who wants to share something first?"
Chuck quickly waved his hand around, almost jumping off his stack of pillows.

"Okay, you can go first Chuck."

"Okay well I'm grateful for all my friends, the delicious food Oh! The new museum that's opening nearby and"-
Before Chuck could finish his sentence, screaming could be heard outside. It wasn't terrified screaming though, more like, excited screaming. Everyone was taken aback by this, all instinctively standing up to see the commotion with Red following behind.

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