It's Always Been You (Johnny)

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"Clearly you enjoy being hurt, or else you'd be with me."I was terrified. In the many years Johnny and I had been friends I've never seen him act or react in this way. I looked in his eyes for a glimpse of softness, level headedness, something but they were empty.

His grip loosened which gave me a few seconds to plan my escape. Johnny's house was basically my second home which means I knew the layout of it well. My purse was on the table near the door where Johnny kept his keys and mail, now I just had to pray that he left his front door unlocked like he normally does. I tried not to look around too much or else he'd catch on and keep me here. I gave myself the count of 3 to activate my quick reflexes, then I would run for it.

I took a deep breath. One. I looked into his eyes one more time searching for my best friend. Two. He's gone. Three. Here goes nothing. I slipped out of Johnny's hold, booked it towards the door grabbing my purse as well as his keys and snatched the unlocked door open. I threw Johnny's keys in one direction and ran in the other without looking back, I couldn't afford to look back.

End of Flashback

The memory still gives me unpleasant chills. Johnny blew up my phone the rest of that day, so much to the point where I blocked him. We did meet one more time after that when I felt he finally calmed down. We went to a park where it was quiet and but still lots of people especially kids because I knew he wouldn't do anything crazy with kids present. At that meeting he seemed even more detached than before, like something in him broke or became unscrewed. He brought me journals filled with daily entries, pictures of us and the guys, the two of us alone, pictures of me on dates but the most concerning ones? The ones of just me that I had never even taken let alone sent to him. He also gave me an insane amount of teddy bears, clothing, jewelry and more. When I burned everything he gave me I knew he was still stalking me. How? Because he sent me a photo of myself burning it all.

Since then Johnny quit being an idol as he devoted his life to watching me. There were so many speculations as to why he quit but none of them ever came close the truth that was my life. I also stopped hanging out with guys which hurt me because they were all like family to me and leaving them without a real reason why was gut wrenching. I only talked to a couple members still, Doyoung and Ten, they're the only two that knew everything that happened and everything that still goes on. I haven't seen them in years, since I knew Johnny was constantly watching me I didn't want to put them in danger.

I looked at my clock next to me. 10:05 pm it read. This was going to be a long night.


I opened my eyes and looked at the clock that wouldn't shut up. 6:30 am? I actually slept through the night without waking up once? This was the first time in a while that this happened. Though I wanted to be relived I knew Johnny had something else set up to let me know he was still here. I shook off thoughts of that monster and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

After freshening up I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast before work. I scanned through my pantry where I was left with very little options. It was a while since I had been grocery shopping, work pretty much consumed my life at this point which didn't leave much room for anything else. I use to find grocery shopping relaxing but when the stalking became more obvious it was hard to enjoy doing anything. Everything I wanted to do felt like a game of "Will I Make It Out Unharmed?". Sometimes I thought of hiring a non work assistant to do things like this for me but I knew if anyone got close to me it could be a risk of them getting hurt.

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