TWO- You Still Owe Me A Movie

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John un-crinkled his neck as he woke up from the sofa at Sarah's flat.

"Morning!" Sarah cheered as she walked in, wearing a dressing gown.

"Morning," John replied, not as excited as her. Then he grimaced and grabbed his neck in pain. It may have been uncomfortable, but to him it was better than staying around Sherlock for another minute.

John did feel bad for leaving Anita there. From the moment she walked into the flat, John knew she just wanted to go to her apartment. He had kinda forced her to stay with Sherlock, but he had a feeling she wouldn't have minded. No matter how many times Anita and Sherlock denied it, they both had feelings for each other and John was determined to make them show it.

"See? Told you you should've gone with the lilo," Sarah commented.

"No, no, no, it's fine. I-I slept fine. It's very kind of you," John said, rubbing his neck. Sarah reached down behind John's back to pick up the remote for the TV, then she sat on the arm of the sofa to turn on the Telly.

"Well, maybe next time I'll let you kip at the end of my bed, you know," Sarah comments, sending John a suggestive look.

"What about the time after that?" John pushed. She turned to him and grinned briefly.

"So, d'you want some breakfast?" she asked, ignoring John's question.

"Love some."

"Yeah, well you'd better make it yourself, cause I'm gonna have a shower," she said as she smiled at him sassily, leaving the room. John chuckled then buttoned his shirt up. The news was still playing and John was only vaguely listening.

"This one is anticipated to do even better. Back now to our main story. There's been a massive explosion in central London," the newscaster said and John whipped his head up to the screen. His face filled with shock as the picture changed to show live footage of a road where brickwork was scattered all over the pavement, and police cordons had been set up to keep people out. The headline at the bottom of the screen was what threw John into a panic.

House destroyed on Baker St.

Oh my God! Sherlock! Anita! John thought as he quickly got up and started to look for his jacket before turning towards the door and calling out to Sarah

"Sarah! Sarah! Sorry- I've got to run," he shouted, and he was out the door.

Once he arrived at Baker Street, he headed towards the police cordon and made his way through the small crowd of gawking onlookers.

"'Scuse me, can I get through?" John asked as he approached one of the officers who was stopping the crowd from getting any closer.

"Can I get through?" he asked, pointing towards what was left of his apartment. He made his way towards the door before an officer stopped him.

"I live over there," John explained and the officer stepped aside. John unlocked the door and dashed up the stairs.

"Anita! Sherlock!" he shouted as he hurried into the living room. The windows were boarded up and he saw Sherlock sitting in his chair, plucking at his violin, glaring at John's chair. He didn't appear to have any injuries. He looked around but didn't didn't see Anita anywhere, which caused his panic to flare again.

"John," Sherlock acknowledged. John walked farther into the room and saw why Sherlock was glaring at his chair. It was currently being occupied by Mycroft.

"I saw on the Telly. Are you okay? Where's Anita?" John asked.

"Hmm? What?" Sherlock asked then he looked around at the mess of broken glass and scattered paperwork.

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