Jake and Sunoo was just looking at them while smiling, adoring the cuteness of the couple in front of them.

"Oh hi there, good morning!" Jungwon said as soon as he saw Jake and Sunoo who were just looking at them.

"Good morning, Jungwon! We're making pancakes for breakfast" Sunoo said with a bright side.

"Oh great!" Jungwon  said excitedly while sitting on a chair of the dinning table.

"Just wait a little more, Wonnie. It will be the last batch" Jake said while holding the spatula that he is using.

"Hyung, you're all so loud. I can't sleep in peace--" the other blonde said while rubbing his half opened eyes. It's obvious that he just got up since his hair was standing in different directions messily but as soon as he saw a certain person inside the kitchen, his eyes widen.

'Oh my gosh, I look like shit this morning. Aish! So embarrassing'  Niki thought before standing straight while pushing his hair at the back to fix it.

"I'll just go to the comfort room" Niki just said before running to the comfort room, he hasn't even brushed his teeth.

"That kid was acting suspicious, for real" Sunoo just said while still looking at the place where Niki stood before. Jungwon just laughed while looking at Sunoo and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ooh, seems like Niki is having a crush" Jungwon teased but it seems like Sunoo doesn't get what he was saying.

"Okay, our breakfast is done! Everyone go here at the dining table" Jay said to call everyone and eat altogether.

Jake was so glad actually that the humans that they are with are very generous. Everyone seems so kind and they welcomed the two of them very well which made him really happy.

"Guys, faster. Go to your seats already. I'm hungry" Jungwon said, reason for Niki to immediately come back to the kitchen with his hair now fixed and looking much better than how he looked before.

And as soon as he entered the kitchen, he immediately sat beside Sunoo and Jake, making the both just furrow their eyebrows.

"So! Who's the lucky one to wake Sunghoon hyung now?" Niki asked while chuckling.

"Uhmm Jake, would you please wake Sunghoon up so that we can eat altogether now" Jay said while distributing the plates on the table.

"Okay!" Jake just said while nodding before obediently stood up and climbed upstairs.

Once he was there, he suddenly realized that he doesn't know what room Sunghoon is using so he just decided to open all the rooms to see if Sunghoon is inside.

He finally opened the first room but what he just saw is a room with also two bedrooms with some posters of Michael Jackson on the walls. One of its beds seems unused while the other one has black bed sheet and comforter. Jake immediately registered that it was Niki's room once he saw his picture on the huge mirror on the vanity table.

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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