"Anything to help, ma'am. I hope i could've been of some assistance." Gon said bowing respectively.

"Thank you for your information, we'll definitely look into it."

"I really do hope you find him" not really "Like I said, I didn't talk to him much, but I know he was a really nice guy." probably in some landfill or something by now.

"We'll try our best, thank you" Biscuit said before shaking my hand and leaving.

Gon smirked as he returned into his classroom.

Biscuit sighed, rubbing her head against her face exhaustedly. Yes, she had worked on missing cases before, but not where she couldn't find a lead. She has worked where some lead to dead ends and some with much worse outcomes, but this case of a missing teenage boy was something else in itself.

"Hey, Wing?" She called out to her partner in the investigation. "Anything?"

The taller male shook his head, dammit, Biscuit thought to herself, Wing taking a sip of his coffee.

The two stood outside the gate of the school, pondering, questioning, what to do next.

"How were the interviews?"

"Nothing, just some of his friends" Wing said taking another sip of his coffee before putting it down. "I actually talked to the Zoldyck kid."

"Did it lead to anything?" Biscuit asked starting to have some hope.

"No, some of his friends told me he had a crush on the Zoldyck and was planning on asking him out the day before he went missing. I didn't think it would hurt just to see if he knew anything." Wing said before taking the last sip of his coffee, then throwing it away. "Oh..." Biscuit mumbled. "Yeah, he said he didn't know Haku, he knew of him and could recall talking to him...once maybe twice, but other than that, nothing."

Both sighed simultaneously, not knowing what to do...

Gon watched from the window of the music room. It was lunch time and Killua sat in his usual spot; the water fountain, Gon, once again, watching from afar.

Gon wishes he had the courage to talk to Killua, but he couldn't. He loved him more than anything in the whole world, no scratch that, he loved Killua more than anything in the whole universe. His entire mind and soul revolving around the slightly older teen, but he couldn't find it in him to confess, no matter how much he wanted to.

Why you may ask.

Well first of all, he was shy, nervous, around Killua; if Killua so much as looked in his direction, he would become a blushing, stuttering mess. So talking to Killua was a no go. Secondly, he was afraid... no terrified, Killua would see that side of him, he didn't want anyone, especially Killua, to see. He knew if Killua saw how he really could be, how he could act, he'd lose Killua.

Gon knew what he was; he was a boy in love, but he had learned that not everyone sees it that way. People would think he's crazy, disgusting, vile, obsessive, but, to Gon, he was trying to love and protect Killua. In any and every way possible, even if it required extreme and questionable behavior, it was necessary. It was important to keeping his love safe.

Killua was all Gon could ever think about; everything Gon did was for Killua. Even though Gon was too scared and nervous to talk to KIllua, he hoped one day he could get noticed by Killua... maybe he would even be able to talk to Killua, but so far he hasn't been seen.

School soon ended and Gon started following Killua.

Sometimes when Gon would follow Killua home, he would imagine walking with him while holding hands and giving cheek kisses goodbye. How he'd swoop Killua off his feet, and take him away, despite Killua being taller with more muscles. How he'd only have heart eyes for Killua. How he'd treat Killua like a king. How he'd hunt down and hurt anyone and everyone that thought ill of them as a couple.

But it was only a dream...a dream that felt so real, maybe if he talked to Killua it could be real...but for now he'll settle for what he has.

Gon quickly snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Killua stop, realizing he may have been spotted him following him, Gon quicky jump-ran into an alleyway, seconds before Killua turned around. Killua started looking around with a confused look, before turning around, shrugging, and walking home once again.

He had already reached the area where Killua lived, so Gon decided it was time to leave his love, walking in the opposite direction.

The sun had gone completely down, and the moon had taken over the sky by the time Gon got home. Unlocking and locking his door as he walked inside, taking his shoes off and throwing his backpack next to them. He went upstairs, skipping dinner, and grabbed his sketch pad, along with a few pencils, erasers, and pens.

He opened the sketch book to a clean page, a perfect picture in mind, this was one of the main reasons he took art, grabbing a pencil, he started drawing light lines. He soon switched his pencil out for a different one, this time the pencil was thick and make darker lines when used. He then grabbed a finer pencil and started drawing small details, making the drawing come to life. His hand felt light, as if they had a mind of their own and were drawing for themselves, his eyes stared concentrated as his hand moved freely across the paper.

'Do you love him?'

'How much?'

'Are you sure it's him?'

'Puppy, if you love him, you should get him.'

Gon's eyes stayed calm, as his hand moved and danced across the paper, shading, lining, detailing everything, making it look like the picture in his head.

'Do whatever you think is necessary to get him.'

'You deserve love, honey'

'Make sure he only loves you, we don't want him loving someone else, right puppy'

'Do what ever you have to do to make him yours.'

'Make sure to protect him, you don't want your love to be in pain, okay?'

Gon stopped drawing, looking at the drawing for a minute or two before adding a few more small details. Blowing on the paper, removing any extra pencil lead and eraser crumbs, and smiled at himself. Killua, love me, love me, will you please, be mine~ He sang to himself getting up and walking over to a certain wall.

Carefully ripping the page from his sketch pad, he moved the tapestry out of the way, revealing a many different things, a few sketches of Killua, some photos, and a page from a book he touched, all neatly pinned along the wall, hidden by a tapestry where no one could see. Sometimes he wished he could hang Killua there too so he could be the only one to see, love, and protect him.

Gon carefully pinned the drawing up, touching the hair of the drawing softly.

Maybe one day...hopefully soon...wait for me Kil

Hey so this is my first A/N...but that's not really important.

Lemme know if you got the references 👀

Should I keep adding random anime references to the story?

What did you think about Detective Biscuit and Wing?

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