There's a good side to pregnancy too

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(I hope you like it IJustLoveFresh ^^ )

Error was currently downstairs, preparing breakfast for Fresh and himself. It was weird, hearing the destroyer of universes preparing breakfast for his husband. Hands that were once used for destroying and killing, were now used for caring and protecting Fresh, and eventually their kid too.

Believe it or not, Error actually enjoyed caring for Fresh more than when he would destroy universes. Sure he gained extreme satisfaction whenever a universe he absolutely despised was erased from existence, but it was different when he was around Fresh. When he was with Fresh, he felt like he could express his true self. He felt like he didn't need to hide. He felt like he could show love without feeling weak. He felt.. Free. He felt happy.

And now that Fresh was pregnant, he'd never felt more happy in his life. Something that started so small as to having a crush on each other, turned into almost being parents.

Error smiled to himself while thinking about this. He put their cooked breakfast on two plates and went up to their room with the food. Error went up to the door and gently knocked on it. "Fresh? Are you hungry?" He asked softly. There was no answer. He opened the door and looked over, seeing that the bathroom light was on.

He set the plates on the dresser and walked over to the bathroom. He knocked on the door. "Fresh, honey, I made you breakfast" He spoke. All he heard was the sound of Fresh gagging and coughing. Error got worried and went in the bathroom. He walked in and saw that Fresh was on his knees, puking in the toilet bowl. He tried to calm Fresh by rubbing his back. He'd puked hundreds of times, so he knew the uncomfortableness Fresh must be feeling right now.

After a minute or two, Fresh calmed down and stopped puking. He was gripping the sides of the toilet tightly, purple tears dripping from his sockets. His breathing was heavy and rushed. Error held onto Fresh and pet his head gently.

"Shhh.. It's ok Fresh.. " Error cooed softly.

"I-is there something w-wrong with me?" Fresh asked. Error held Fresh close. "No nothing's wrong with you. You're pregnant, and it's just a side effect of it, ok?" Error said softly. Fresh nodded and sighed.

After a few minutes, Fresh completely relaxed and held onto Error. He relaxed in Error's embrace and his breathing steadied.

"I'm gonna pick you up now, ok?" Error said. Fresh nodded and wiped his tears. Error closed the toilet and flushed it. He picked Fresh up bridal style and carried him to the bed. He got in bed next to him and wrapped an arm around Fresh's shoulder. "Are you ok now?" Error said softly. Fresh nodded and cuddled into Error's chest.

"Error.. You should go, you have work today" fresh said.

"No. I'm staying here with you. You're more important than my work" Error said.


"No 'buts'. Ok?" Fresh nodded and sighed. He didn't want Error to take a day off just because of his morning sickness.

Error smiled and kissed Fresh's head. Fresh blushed and giggled at the kiss. "You're adorable, Fresh" Error chuckled. Fresh just rolled his eyes and leaned back on the pillows and relaxed. Error smiled and put a hand on Fresh's ecto stomach. It wasn't very big yet though, considering Fresh had only been pregnant for a few weeks. Error and Fresh had thought about naming their kid Klez because the doctors had already told them that the baby's gender was male. (I know very little about pregnancies, don't sue me-)

"I hope he doesn't end up destroying the world like I almost did.." Error laughed.

Fresh laughed "he probably would try to though"

"Let's try and not raise him like that" Error said with a smile. Fresh giggled at Error's comment. Error smiled and wrapped and arm around Fresh's waist and pulled him closer.

"What do you think the kid will be like?" Error asked, curious about Fresh's opinion. Fresh thought for a moment.

"For one thing, he'll probably inherit my sense of fashion" fresh chuckled.

"Oh god no-" Error laughed. Fresh smiled and snuggled Error's chest. Error thought for a moment before he gasped, an idea popping in his head.

"I can make.. DAD JOKES" Error said excitedly. Fresh laughed.

Error started coming up with multiple ways to annoy the child. Fresh laughed while listening to his ideas.

"The first thing I'm gonna say to him when he's born is 'hi hungry, I'm dad'" He joked. Fresh giggled and shook his head. "You're such a weirdo"

"Y'know what.. I actually can't wait to teach our kid things. Teach him things like how to ride a bike, or teach him the alphabet" Error said.

"I don't want him to end up like how I did.." Error said. Fresh smiled and kissed Error's cheek. "He won't, ok?"

"Ok" Error nodded. "I love you, Fresh"

"I love you too"


839 words

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