I'll try to remember..

338 9 4

'It's been 3 years since he's been gone.. Been taken away from me.. I'm never going to stop searching for him. I just want to be able to feel that feeling again whenever I'm with him.. Please..'

Error was destroying AUs as usual, out of pure anger. He had taken his anger and sadness out on the AUs.. Because Fresh was gone.. Taken away.. Until he encountered an AU.. No.. A void.. That he'd never seen or heard of before. Error stepped into the void.

"Fresh..?" Error asked. Tears were starting to build up in his sockets as he ran over to the figure in the distance.. But.. Fresh looked like he hadn't slept in months, and.. He was glitching. His bones were slowly starting to turn from white to black as they currently looked grey. Error finally got up to Fresh and hugged him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder. Fresh flinched and panicked.

"Who a-are you??" Fresh asked. Error was confused.

"Fresh.. Wha..? I-I'm your husband, it's me.. Error" Error said. Fresh looked down, wide eyed.

"I-I don't have a husband.. And who's Error?" Fresh asked. Error practically choked.

'N-no.. His memory.. It's..'

Error looked up at Fresh and tears starting steaming down his face.


"Listen.. Your memory.. It's gone.. Your name is Fresh and I'm your husband Error.. We've been married for seven years, and we even have a son at home named Klez! He's five now! See?" Error explained, taking out a picture of their son. Fresh looked at the picture.

"He's.. So beautiful.. He has your eyes.." Fresh said. Error nodded and caressed Fresh's cheek. Fresh looked up and leaned away from Error's hand. Error looked down and frowned. Error looked at Fresh's hand and saw that he still has his wedding ring on.

"Look.. This is the ring I gave you the day I asked you to marry me.." Error said, gently grabbing the other's hand and pointing to the ring. Fresh tried to catch on and understand but he just couldn't. He didn't even know his own name anymore.. Error leaned forward and gently grabbed Fresh's face and kissed him softly. Fresh leaned away and stared at Error.

"I'm sorry.. I don't remember anything from what we shared together.. And I just don't feel the same feelings I did.." Fresh said. Error's soul ached as he felt a heaviness in throat.

"I understand.." Error said. Fresh put a hand on his shoulder and Error looked up.

"Listen.. I'll try to remember.. Ok?" Error nodded and hugged Fresh tightly. Fresh hugged back even though he didn't even remember loving him.

"I'll try to remember.."

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