The dare

344 6 14

(Instead of goop or something, it's gonna be Fresh's parasite.. So yeh!)

"Hey Error, i dare you to see what Fresh's parasite tastes like" Nightmare told the glitch.

"Error no-" Ink started.

"-Challenge accepted" Error said quickly. Ink face palmed himself. Error smirked as he walked over to Fresh.

"Hey Fresh, c'mere, i wanna try something" Error said, going into a another room. Fresh followed. Error took the parasite out of Fresh's eye socket and held onto it. Fresh was confused.

"Ey, bro what's goin' o- AH~" Fresh moaned as Error licked the parasite. Error smirked as he left the room.

"It tasted like Froot Loops" Error said.


Meanwhile Fresh was very very confused, scared, and sad all at the same time..


Errorfresh oneshots (REALLY FUCKIN OLD AND CRINGY‼️)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt