1) Holding Hands

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Error and Fresh were walking a path in the woods somewhere. They were kinda lost though. So they decided to wander where ever until they would find someone to help with directions. As they walked deeper in the woods, it started getting... Darker.. They went into an area if the woods where there were barely any leaves on the trees and the air was cold and foggy.

They heard a twig snap and Fresh immediately grabbed Error's hand. Error flinched a bit and blushed.

"S-sorry.." Fresh whispered. Error nodded.

"Let's try to get out of here.." Error said. Even though Error wasn't really that type to get scared, he sensed an unpleasant amount of panic and adrenaline rushing through his body. Error started running and Fresh followed.

After a few minutes, they both got out of the dark area, and they were back in the brighter area. They both looked down, not realizing that they were holding hands the whole time.

"Sorry, I'll l-let go-"

"N-no, it's ok. Besides, I like holding your hand anyway" Error said. Fresh blushed and squealed in embarrassment.

"You're so cute when you're flustered~"


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