I'll love you no matter what, son

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(A quick wholesome chapter- Klez is in this. And he's like 10 in this)

Error, Fresh, and their son, Klez, were all at the store mostly shopping for snacks and drinks for their family movie night. They were currently in the clothes section right now because Fresh got distracted.

"Hey, Freshy, I bet you'd look good in a dress~" Error flirted. Fresh blushed.

"Oh stop! Not in front of Klez!!" Fresh answered, chuckling. Klez looked down at his feet. Error noticed this and got down to Klez's level, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Klez what's wrong?" Error asked. Fresh got down to his level as well.

"Is it ok.. If.. I wear a dress?" Klez asked. Fresh smiled and wrapped his son into a hug.

"Klez, I don't care what you dress in. As long as it makes you happy. I don't care if you wear a suit, a skirt, heck, I won't even care if you wear a gown. I'll love you no matter what, son. Your mom and dad will love you not matter what.." Fresh spoke gently, tears gathering in his eyes. Klez was crying tears of happiness. The three skeletons hugged each other.

"I love you son. Your mother and I love you very much.." Error said. Klez nodded, and smiled.

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