Sunny had been witness to several of these familial deaths. It never got any easier. But she did her best to comfort her brooding husband after he would finish his duty.

Today was no different. They walked into their bedroom and Taehyung sat on their bed, his head bowed, his shoulders slouched. Sunny crawled onto the bed and knelt behind him, kneading his shoulders and whispering praises for his commitment and compassion into his ear.

He would groan and complain about how tired he was of being a bringer of death. He would shed tears and wish he could be free from his curse.

Then after a while of self-loathing, he would turn to his wife and seek solace in her loving and welcoming arms.

The routine of it all was the same this day. Taehyung was trailing soft kisses down Sunny's neck, desperately seeking a distraction from his pain. And she was happy to be that distraction for him.

However, their routine was interrupted by the frantic clawing at the front door.

Taehyung and Sunny froze, turning their heads towards the door.

"Wolves," growled Taehyung. The couple separated and hurried out of their room to see Jungkook flinging open the front door.

"Alpha, " exclaimed Jungkook, realizing quickly respect was required.

Hoseok and Jimin stormed into the cabin, rushing to every corner, sniffing every nook and cranny.

"Did you find her?" Hoseok shouted, his deep, growling voice reverberating off the cabin walls.

"Find who?" said Jungkook, watching the two search the cabin. His face showed his confusion.

Jaci managed to sit up in the bed, more confused than anyone else in the room. But somehow she knew to be silent. This was not her fight.

"Your Luna!" snarled Hoseok, frustrated that his wife was not here.

"Ga-Eun?" said Sunny.

Hoseok glared at her as he nodded. "She's missing. We found her blood on your side of the mountain."

His head lowered as he stalked slowly towards the two vampires. Taehyung immediately moved in front of Sunny, his eyes flashing a deep maroon color.

"Stand down, wolf. Your Luna is not here. Nor do we know where she is."

Hoseok snarled and his voice came out with anguish. "We found Hunter tracks. Jimin smelled them."

"Then why didn't you follow the scent?" questioned Jungkook.

Hoseok jerked his head and glowered at his packmate. "Because I know she is dead. I cannot feel her. I cannot sense her. She does not respond to my calls to her wolf. My mate is dead, Jungkook. And I came here hoping any of you would have some answers for me."

The silence that fell across the room was nearly palpable. Jimin stood like a sentry near the front door, while Jaci watched with a feeling of horror. Jungkook fisted his hands into his hair while Hoseok anxiously paced.

"Wolf, if we indeed have Hunters on our mountain, we now share a common enemy. Let us help you." Taehyung took a step towards Hoseok but was quickly snapped at. He halted and stood still.

"Jungkook, I need you to come fight with us. This is not a request but an order, " growled Hoseok, his eyes locking Taehyung in his place.

Jungkook knew that was exactly what he should do. But he was torn. If there were Hunters on the mountain, he wanted, no, he needed to protect Jaci. Never had he felt so split on what he should do.

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