
Start from the beginning

He gasped dramatically, standing up suddenly, his hand on his chest and his mouth open shocked.

"Alexandra Ferrari how dare you disrespect my ass in such a way. You should be ashamed of yourself young lady." I rolled my eyes and he helped me up from the floor.

"Whatever Linc now what do you want, I just want to get some sleep is that too much to ask." He became serious, his face void of any emotion.

Mafia boss mode. ACTIVATED.

"What mafia was that man from." He spoke coldly.

Straight to the point I see.


He balled his hands into a fist. Anger was very visible in his eyes. If I was anybody else I would be cowering into the corner scared out of my mind.

But I'm not anybody else. I'm Alexandra Ferrari.

"What did they want."

"He's back Linc. Boss man's back. I don't know how but he survived the fire and he wants me back." Lincoln's eyes turned dangerously dark. He looked like he was about to explode with anger and rage at any moment.

Lincoln may be a joker and a prankster when he is with family and close friends but when it comes to their safety or the mafia he is one of the most ruthless people in the underworld.

I continued, "He wants to take down the top three Mafias. The Italians, English and Russians. I already know about my family and how they are the Italians." He listened closely as I spoke.

"Are the Italians and English allies with the Russians?"

"We are but the Italians fell out with the Russians last year at the ball."

"Fell out? What happened? I thought Richy and Daddy dearest were friends." Richy is the leader of the Russians. He's a great business partner of mine and he also treats me like his own. Even if he has never seen me without my White Wolf attire on.

"It wasn't your father who fell out with them. It was Matteo."

"Matteo!?" How did Matteo end up falling out with the Russian mafia??
As if sensing my confusion Lincoln answered my questions.

"Do you know the Russain mafia princess." I nodded my head. Richards 21 year old daughter was like a sister to me. "Well she and Matteo, kind of had a thing for each other. They made sure nobody found out and they secretly fell passionately in love. But all good things come to an end. At the day of the ball, Richard made an announcement that his daughter -Vanessa Romonova - would be wed to the German mafia Prince Alaric Neumann. Vanessa had found out about this news a week prior and had done all she could to prevent it, but her dad wouldn't listen. She made the mistake of not telling Matteo sooner. She didn't know her father would be addressing the engagement publicly at the ball. When Matteo heard the news his heart broke. He was filled with anger and rage. Anger towards Richard. Anger towards Vanessa. Anger towards Alaric. Something ticked in him. He lashed out and attacked Richard the Russian mafia leader. They both had a huge fight so severe that everyone in the ballroom had to be evacuated until it was just the top three mafia family left. When they finally calmed him down the Italian family were banned from ever meeting with the Russians or their family ever again and the rule still stands till now. Matteo was depressed and so full of anger for a long time. Well that was until you came back chicken. He's acting more like his true self but anyone with eyes can see that he still misses Vanessa and is madly in love with her. But he's in love with something he can't have. Vanessa is going to get married next month and there's nothing he or anyone else can do." He finished off the story with a sigh.

I felt so bad for Matteo. He had been the nicest to me, especially when he was hurting so much. I can't begin to imagine his pain for I had never been in or experienced love. 

It was emotional pain which is even more deadly than physical pain in my opinion.

I never knew Richard would do something like this. To his own daughter. I hadn't seen him in a year. I need to have a word with that man because the Richard I know would never do that to Vanessa and Matteo. For as long as I had known him he had been against arranging marriages for his children between other Mafias.

Something was up. And I intend to find out what if it made my brother happy again it was worth it.

"Don't worry about the Russians, Richard owes me I'm sure he'd create an alliance."

Lincoln agreed. "After what that Polish scum just pulled, conflict is inevitable maybe even war. They want to attack the top three then they will have to fight all three. Richard will agree. I'm sure of it. Now you get some sleep chicken and go easy on your family yeah they really do love you, truly."

He kissed my forehead and tucked me into bed. I truly did love Lincoln as he was the best best friend and brother I could ask for.

"You get some sleep too Linc."

"Love you chicken."

"Love you too Sink."

He turned the light off and closed the door leaving me with my thoughts and feelings.

Boss man was back and he wanted war.

Then he shall have it.


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Bye lovelies♡

K xx

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