Get Together (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Answer all my questions just to show me

What's on the other side of ambition.

No apologies my baby...

How do you do? Cause I'm feeling so cool.

Bouncing to the beat, I failed to notice that Whitty was watching me.

"You look like you're having fun." I whipped my head to see Whitty looking down at me.

"Well..." scratching my neck from embarrassment, "I can't help it, I love music after all."

"It's alright, seeing you have fun makes me happy." He took his seat and grabbed the food on the table.

"....thanks my spark." Sitting next to him, I hugged him before he could eat.

"Ok, I think there's a channel that talks about animals, I'll be showing you the different animals that exist." Switching on the television, I found the animal channel and let Whitty watch it as I explained each animal to him that came up.

"That's a red panda?" Whitty pointed to the animal on the screen.

"Yup! Honestly if I could have one as a pet I would, they're adorable!" Looking at the panda on screen, the sound of hissing could be heard.

Following the sound, I saw Fuse hissing at the front door.

"Fuse, what's wrong?" Lifting her up to calm her down, I looked to the door.

"I didn't order anything today, plus I'm not expecting anyone." I reached for the door but Fuse smacked my hand before I could touch it.

"I wonder...."

Looking over to Whitty, I gestured for him to head upstairs and close the bedroom door.

He did as I said, then I opened the door.

"Good day ma'am." A tall man was standing at the door.

He had on a suit, stood with his chest out and smelt like cologne, but the odd thing was his head.

".....a cloud?"

"Good day to you too sir, how may I help you?" Petting Fuse to calm her down, I questioned his presence.

"Pardon my intrusion, I am just looking for a prisoner that escaped. I was told that he was last seen in this area so we're going by all the houses to warn everyone to be on the lookout." He handed me a poster that had a picture on it.


"Thank you sir, I'll make sure to be on the lookout."

"It must be difficult living on your own in this big house ma'am, do you live alone?" He peered inside the house.

"It's just my cat and myself here." My stomach turned as I had to lie to keep Whitty safe.

"Ok miss, stay safe." He finally left, stepping into a limousine then driving off.

Closing the door, I caught my breath and rushed upstairs with Fuse.

"Whitty, open the door, the person is gone." I heard a click, so I opened the door to see Whitty sitting on the bed.

"Who was at the door?"

"It was a man with a cloud for a head."

Whitty immediately froze.

"That's the boss, isn't it?" I showed him the poster that was handed to me.

".....Updyke, that's his name."

Living with a Rockstar (Whitty x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now