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" all she wanted
was that cozy love
the kind that felt like
hot chocolate,
or wood fires
in small houses
hard to describe
but you know it when you got it. "
- atticus


Science was delicate in Celeste Suvrain's mind, soft and tangible, which is why Celeste loved it so. Delicate streams of power that caused certain things to react certain ways, and ways of causing chemical reactions in almost a fraction of a sentence- was something that settled something in Celeste's chest. Celeste loved the power that she could wield, scribbles of math and science intertwined within the covers of her notebooks, ink splatters from shitty pens coating the tips of her fingers.

An equation was still written on the board when the bell rang, and Celeste Suvrain stood slowly as she continued to write her answer- a frown pulled at the corners of her mouth as she did so. While science was delicate and beautiful in Celeste's mind, it was a challenge- but it was something that Celeste tended to welcome with open arms. Celeste wet the corner of her mouth with a flick of her tongue, before she unzipped her book bag and dropped her binder inside, the unanswered question to be done as homework.

"Nerd alert," Lauren Mallory cooed as Celeste Suvrain exited the classroom- and Celeste rolled her eyes as she held her middle finger up in response.

"Suck me, Mallory."

"You'd enjoy that too much, Suv."

Celeste Suvrain held two fingers to her temple and flicked them in a salute, as Lauren Mallory ducked around her to enter the same classroom Celeste had previously been in. Just behind where Lauren had been, stood Edward Cullen- his hands tucked into his pockets, and a half-smirk curling at the edges of his lips.

"You have a freebie- right?" Edward Cullen's voice was soft and coaxing, to the point where Celeste Suvrain could feel her cheeks warm just so, and the eighteen year old bobbed her head in a nod. "Walk with me?"

"In the court?" Celeste countered, and Edward Cullen tipped his head back in a laugh as he pushed off from where he had been leaning up against the lockers- before he gestured toward the courtyard with his head.

The two teens were quiet as they walked, the soft sound of their breaths all the seemed to fill the air around the two. Edward Cullen couldn't help but watch Celeste Suvrain from his peripheral, the eighteen year old so serene looking- Edward couldn't help but feel compelled to watch her. Alice Cullen had already seen it, every glimpse of possibilities there were, and yet it was still hard to picture.

"You seem to be in thought," Celeste Suvrain hummed, her dark eyes glancing to the side in hopes to catch Edward's gold- and the teen was pleasantly surprised to find Edward already looking toward her.

"I'm always in thought." Edward Cullen rolled his shoulders in a shrug- and couldn't help but grin when Celeste tipped her head back in a laugh.

"That's mysterious," Celeste Suvrain let her brow furrow, and Edward Cullen stifled a chuckle at the inquisitive look on the teen's face.

"Positively brooding as well," Edward took a jab towards himself, only to hear Celeste stifle another laugh. "You on the other hand..."

From Eden |e.cullen|Where stories live. Discover now