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" some things in life
like some people
are not meant
to be fully understood.
so for now
it's best
we call them miracles. "
- atticus


"So he fucked your cousin?" Celeste Suvrain held her coffee mug to her lips, as Leah Clearwater choked on her own drink. "What?"

"That was crude, Suv!" Leah hissed from behind clenched teeth, as the nineteen year old dabbed at her mouth with a wad of paper napkins.

"Was it wrong?" Celeste Suvrain countered, dark eyebrows quirked above her even darker eyes, and Leah Clearwater choked back another laugh. "Fuck Clearwater, swallow."

"But essentially, yes." Leah Clearwater rubbed her palm across her jaw, as Celeste's own jaw tightened.

"That's fucked." Celeste Suvrain huffed, before she flicked her tongue out to wet the corner of her lips. "You doing alright?"

"I'm out here drinking coffee with an eighteen year old at four in the morning." Leah's voice was completely monotone, and the older teen flicked her foot out to kick at Celeste's book bag. "So not exactly."

"Hey- I could've done my morning ritual by myself today, you just knew I'd be here." Celeste pointed out, a shy grin curled at the corners of her mouth, just as Leah tipped her head back into a laugh.

"Not wrong, Suv." Leah Clearwater watched as Celeste Suvrain drained the rest of her mug, and the eighteen year old carefully sat the now empty mug onto the coffee shop tabletop. "You're addicted."

"Caffeine and nicotine, baby." Celeste Suvrain winked dramatically, mascara coated eyelashes fluttering across her skin as she did so.

"You don't even smoke cigarettes." Leah's tone was sharp, and had anyone not been Celeste- they probably would've been borderline offended at the sound of it. Celeste Suvrain instead rolled her sweater clad shoulders once more, and swept some of her dark hair behind her shoulder with a flick of her fingers.

"It's for the aesthetic, Clearwater." Celeste patted at her lips once more with a napkin, and Leah Clearwater crinkled her nose before she stood. The nineteen year old plucked up her Carhartt jacket- and the woman quickly slipped her arms inside as she nodded her head toward the doors of the coffee shop. "Come on, I need to take you to school- and then it's Seth's turn."

"Aye aye." Celeste Suvrain pressed two fingers to her forehead and flicked them away in a playful salute, as she stood herself and slipped her arms into her parka. "I'll meet you out there, I need one for the road."

Celeste Suvrain sipped from a to go cup, hot coffee with extra milk and cinnamon warming her stomach, the cold patter of rain chilling Celeste from the outside in. Leah Clearwater's car was warm, worn leather seating soft against her body, and the faint smell of perfume at her nose. It smelled like home and Leah, and maybe that was what Celeste Suvrain really liked the most about it.

"So I'll come and grab you after school, and then drop you off at home." Celeste bobbed her head in a nod as Leah pulled into the Forks High School parking lot, and the eighteen year old carefully balanced her coffee cup between her knees as she zipped her jacket up. With a quick tug the hood covered the majority of her hair, though a mix of frizz and baby hairs still clung to Celeste's forehead and cheeks. "See you soon, Suv."

"Don't miss me too much." Celeste Suvrain teased, and the eighteen year old quickly exited the car- as she slipped her book bag over head shoulder. The Suvrain girl slammed the door next, and patted Leah's car hood twice.

"Suvrain!" Lauren Mallory popped up to wrap her arm around Celeste's shoulder, fingers digging slightly into Celeste's parka- and the eighteen year old tipped her head toward Lauren in greeting. "How are you?"

"Sleepy," Celeste Suvrain hummed before she took another sip of her coffee, and Lauren Mallory bobbed her head in a nod in understanding. "But all is okay, I have work I have to do in class today that is semi-important."

"Miss Nerd." Lauren's voice was coated in tease, and the blonde scrunched her nose when Celeste blew a raspberry toward her face. "Keep your saliva in your mouth, bitch."

"Fuck off asshole,"  Celeste Suvrain rolled her eyes before she linked her arm through Lauren's, and the two started walking toward the main building. "How are you and the Tyler boy?"

"The Tyler boy and I are fine, thank you." Lauren Mallory said with another scrunch of her nose, though she watched from her peripheral as Celeste Suvrain rolled her own eyes at the answer. "What?"

"He's weird!"

"Says you- you don't date anyone." Lauren rolled her own eyes in response, and Celeste threw her head to the side slightly- smirk lifted at the corners of her lips.

"That you know of," Celeste Suvrain's voice was sultry and borderline growling, and Lauren Mallory threw her elbow into Celeste's rib cage.

"Fight me, Suvrain."

"As if you could take me, Mallory." Celeste's eyebrows arched, and Lauren Mallory let out a soft scoff as she came to stand next to her locker. "Here's your stop- have fun sucking face with Crowley."

"Have fun dying a virgin!" Lauren Mallory cooed, and Celeste held up her free hand middle finger- as Lauren blew a kiss in her direction.

Celeste Suvrain pushed some hair out of her face with her free hand as she continued to walk, her free hand digging into the pocket of her parka. Not that she was hoping for a stray piece of candy to be there, but she wouldn't exactly be upset if she stumbled upon one. Sue Clearwater was good about checking her pockets though, and it seemed that Celeste was out of luck.

A shoulder bumped into Celeste, and the eighteen year old winced at the feeling that reverberated through her shoulder. It was as if she had knocked into a brick wall, and as she skidded on her feet- two cool hands came to clench her upper arms to steady her. Gold eyes stared into her dark, and Celeste Suvrain gulped slightly- before she offered a curl of her lips in apology.

"My bad, Edward- right?"

"No worries, Celeste- is it?"

The two continued to look at each other, Edward never moving the grip on Celeste's arms- until the class sounding bell rang, which sent the rest of the school scattering like rats. Edward Cullen dropped his hands and took a slow step backward, his eyes never moving from Celeste's- even when the girl blinked several times as if to clear the fog that covered her thoughts. The golden eyed teenager was fucking hot, Celeste couldn't deny that- and the slight laugh that fell from Edward's mouth caused Celeste to cock her head slightly.

"Want me to walk you to physics?"

And for some reason, Celeste nodded her head.

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