Chapter 10

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Skyes POV

I was screaming inside I still couldn't get it to sink into my head that this was actually happening, draco Malfoy wanted to spend time with me.

But I had to keep cool, I had already shown him nearly every single emotion I could produce ... I didn't want to scare him away so early it was only the second day.

When we got to hogsmeade we found a cute little cafe, we found a small table in a the corner of the cafe but still facing a window so we could look out and watch for the strange sights that would pass by.

Just after we sat down draco asked me what I wanted to eat and drink. 

"I'm just going to have a cheese sandwich but don't worry I'll get it since you paid for my stuff yesterday.  What do you want?" I said smiling and standing up from the table. 

Draco stood up beside me "I've got it Skye sit down, you can get it next time... maybe" he said winking at me. 

I melted, how could he be so hot and also so sweet? Draco was always known for being a bit of an ass but I knew I was right, I knew he had a soft side.

A few minutes passed by and Draco walked back to the table placing down two sandwiches, a plate with two brownies, my hot chocolate and a small pot of tea for himself.

"Is this okay" he asked sheepishly.

"Yeah thank you so much you didn't have to get the brownies and..." before I could even finish he cut me off.

"Skye you don't have to thank me it's nothing" he said smiling at me.

We sat and spoke - about life at home for us, draco spoke briefly about his parents but never went into much detail I could tell he felt uncomfortable talking about them - for what only felt like 30 minutes. I looked at my watch - what? How? 2 hours had gone by.

"Draco" I interrupted "it's been 2 hours we've missed our next class"

He laughed and said "I don't mind to be honest Skye but we can leave if you want and head back to Hogwarts so we don't miss the rest of the days classes"

"Uhm I mean it's only 1 day I suppose, we can Um stay here - I mean only if you want to ..." I said looking up at him waiting for his response.

I knew I really shouldn't be missing a full day especially on my first day, maybe carmen was worried about where I was? But then, she left before I woke without saying a word to me this morning - which was kind of a shitty thing to do.

I wanted to spend as much time with Draco as I could, he was so different, so kind and down to earth. It's crazy to say but I literally felt like I was falling in love with him, it had all happened so soon.

"Sure" he responded "we can sit here for a bit, take a walk then head back to the common room and chill out if you want?"

"Yes" I exclaimed. Trying to appear calm.

I couldn't believe he wanted to spend the whole day with me. We sat for roughly another 2 hours just talking and flirting. It was so nice just to speak to the real Draco and not see him trying to show off or act like this tough guy persona that he puts on a lot.

The sun had started to set and we decided to just take a slow walk back to Hogwarts and head to the common room and chill.

Draco said he would wait with me until carmen came back to the room and then he would leave and let me have a chat with her and try and sort stuff out between us.

We were nearing hogwarts - "so why did mcgonagall move a few of you guys room? Do you have a room by yourself now?" I asked. 

"She never really said why, we were just all excited to get our own room we never really questioned it" Draco said laughing. 

"Why? do you wanna see my room" he said smirking at me and giving me a little nudge.

"Draco as if" I said laughing " I didn't mean it like that I was just curious .."

Laughing draco said - "Yeah we have a room to ourself it's fairly big and we have a bathroom but no common room obviously and that's why me and blaise have been told to share with you and carmen"

We made our way into the grounds of hogwarts and started heading in the direction of the common room. 

When me and Draco walked into hogwarts holding hands, it felt like everyone was staring again I had to concentrate on not falling, this felt like 10 times the amount of people compared to on the train.

We got into the hallway that lead us to the rooms and the common room, we walked past a little in shot corridor and Draco said pointing down it "that's where my room is, uh do you want to see it"

*omg* I thought to myself draco's room was right there "yeh sure I guess we can have a quick look" I said shyly.

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