Chapter 1

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The hardest part about going back to school is heading to kings cross and saying goodbye to my parents for another year.

I never really appreciated being a witch until now, I think I understand it more now. I was never very good at school when I was younger I always messed up potions and could never get the spells right but now I'm getting pretty good ... which is great because this is my fifth year and I really should know what I'm doing by now.

I always grudged going back to school every year and spending another year with the same people and not getting to experience what the world has to offer, try different things, meet new people - the only new people I would meet would be the odd transfer student but even that wasn't enough for me.

I mean I suppose there is one positive thing about going back to Hogwarts ... Draco Malfoy.
Not that he ever noticed me anyway, I have had a crush on him since as long as I can remember, the first day I saw him on the Hogwarts express I knew straight away that I wanted to know him.

All I wanted was for him to notice me I had tried everything changed my hair, changed my looks and nothing it was like I was completely invisible to him.

Where as with the other girls I always caught them looking, I always caught them flirting and he would always respond in some way by giving them a cheeky wink, or sparking up some sort of conversation with them or asking them to sit next to him in a class ... but me I got literally nothing.

I don't get it I'm a Slytherin, and so is he, why hasn't he noticed me?

All I want is for him to even look my way for a split second because knowing me it would probably take me a whole year to get over that.

What's so special about Draco anyway? His icy blonde hair? His gorgeous grey eyes? That if I could I would stare into them all day, his gentle side that possibly I might be the only person that's actually seen, because I can't seem to take my eyes off him. Or was it his dark persona, his intimidating walk ... maybe this is why I haven't done to great at school over the years because I've just been fixed on Draco.

I promised myself this year that I wouldn't stare ... I wouldn't even think about boys or Draco I would just continue to concentrate on my work.

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