Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up to my alarm ringing loudly in my ear, I turned over to look at carmens bed I just wanted to get up and run over and cuddle her an apologise for everything I said last night ... but she wasn't there ... maybe she was in the shower?

I got up and pulled my white shirt, grey wool jumper, black tights and a black tube skirt that when to just above my knees - I pulled my black and white vans on ... most professors were okay with the vans but others just gave a stare. I put my Slytherin robe on and went and sat in the common room so I could wait for carmen coming out ready, so I could apologise to her. I felt sick at the thought of it, the way I spoke to her and snapped at her. She was meant to be my best friend and even though I was frustrated with what happened with Draco ... it gave me no right to speak to her the way I did.

I sat for around half an hour waiting for her but it was starting to get to the point if I waited any longer I would miss breakfast and most definitely be late.

I got up and walked up the stairs, giving the room door a little chap and slowly opening the door "are you decent? Can I come in?" No reply. I opened the door and she still wasn't in the room I quickly walked over to the bathroom and opened the door and she wasn't there either but the shower was wet so she must of got up and left before I even woke this morning.

Looking at my watch I quickly gave my hair a brush and brushed my teeth and ran down the stairs, through the common room and opened the door which opened up into the hall way. I started walking faster so I would make it in time for breakfast ... I was so hungry as I never ate much last night for feeling sickly.

"SK" a voice shouted behind me, it was draco .. "SK wait up"

I quickly turned round "what is it draco? I'm in a rush"

"Ohhh SK your not ditching me so soon after last night are you?" already caught up with me and looking at me with a big smirk

"Uh no I just - I - I need to get some breakfast" I said walking faster almost trying to get away from him I wasn't in the mood for his sarcasm this morning, I just wanted to try and find Carmen and get something to eat


Before he even could finish I cut him off "Draco what and stop calling me SK that's not my name"

"Ooh oh ohh not very friendly" he said still smirking at me "what's up with you this morning"

"Me and carmen had a bit of a fall out last night and I just want to find her and apologise to her, for snapping, when I got up this morning I thought she was in the shower but turns out she had left before my alarm even went off today, so now I'm going to be late and I'm definitely going to miss breakfast" I said sniffing as I could feel tears of frustration filling up my eyes.

Dracos POV

I was looking at her, while taking big steps to keep up with her she was basically running. After she mentioned about carmen, breakfast and being late I looked at her eyes I could see them filling up.

I felt hopeless I didn't know what else to say to her, I was awful in these situations ... what could I say to her or do to make her feel better. I felt so bad after how I just got up and left last night ... I just didn't want her feeling uncomfortable infront of blaise or carmen and I certainly didn't want Pansy hearing about it because she would just give Skye grief and ask her loads of questions.

Before I knew it "do you want to skip first class and come get food with me in hogsmeade?"
Oh god I regretted it only because I don't want my bad influence rubbing off on her and especially not on her first day, first class.

She stopped and looked up at me, she was trying to catch her breath her lips pressed together clearly holding back tears.

"If not that's alright I can walk you to your first class and explain to which ever professor you have why your running late" I said hoping she would say something because I didn't know what else I could say to calm her down.

She just continued to stare at me for what felt like forever .. I had never noticed how blue her eyes were before.

I grabbed her hand and took her over to a big window ledge where she could sit and compose herself so she wasn't standing in the middle of the hallway.

She sat down and I bent down next to her and put my hands on her knees "it's going to be alright you know ... you and carmen will sort it out and be back to normal in no time"

"I don't know draco, I was pretty awful last night" she said finally letting out the tears she had been holding back.

I felt awful I had basically caused this, but I took her hand and I said it's fine if you need to cry.

She hugged me, and for the first time ever it felt like it meant something.

I wrapped my arms around her squeezing her tight and held her until she calmed down.

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