Chapter 2

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Skyes POV

When arriving at kings cross station, I always like to go to the little shop that sells hot chocolate's and cakes. I would always like to get a hot chocolate for travelling to Hogwarts. The queue was always so big and full of muggles waiting for their coffees, teas and cakes. This often made me late or just in time for the train, never late enough that I missed the train but there was very close calls.

So this year wasn't going to be any different, I walked over to the little shop inside King's Cross, my parents hadn't seen me off to Hogwarts in the station since my first year. But I didn't mind this because it let me feel free just even for 10 minutes before I headed to the platform. There was never anyone from Hogwarts at this little shop, so I would get my hot chocolate and rush to the platform trying my hardest not to spill anything while stuffing whichever cake I got into my bag, while pulling my trunk and trying to not drop silk my owl.

This always proved so manic and I said to myself every year I would go roughly an hour early so I could sit at the little table and chairs that looked out onto the platforms and watch the muggles rush instead of me being the one stressed and rushing.

But here I was getting dropped off outside the station at 10:45AM, I walked as fast as I could trying to blend in with the muggles as much as possible and trying to rush to the shop.

Arriving at the shop as flustered and stressed as ever, there wasn't much of a queue ... "okay positive number one" I said to myself maybe this a sign of what's to come. But then sitting at the tables watching the world go by ... to my surprise no other than Draco Malfoy.

I automatically started to fix my hair trying to make sure I'm somewhat presentable incase he looked my way - then remembering the promise I made to myself ... that I would focus on me and only me, not boys, not even Draco.

He looks different this year, distant - almost sad.

After trying my absolute hardest to not look at him before I know it I'm at the front of the queue and the sweet girl behind the counter is asking what I want.

"Just one medium hot chocolate and o-oh can I have one of those brownies as well please?" 
Pointing to the glass where all the cakes are, as the selection of just brownies alone is huge they have so many different kinds.

-Note to self arrive early for better selection next year.-

But when I look into the glass draco is gone, I frantically look at my watch trying to see the time - I was a little earlier this time surely I haven't missed the train...

Then I hear him right behind me, so close I can feel his breath on my neck. "Can you make that two brownies please darling?" I turn to him in total shock, my hairs standing up on my arms. Goosebumps from his presence. But to my surprise he isn't even looking at me,  he's looking at the girl behind the counter ... darling?? Is he kidding? I'm standing right here and he thinks he can ignore me and expect me to pay for his brownie.

I can feel it - my cheeks are hot, my ears are burning, my face is bright red I just know it ... but im angry, why do I feel embarrassed and not angry?

I look up at him still with the very prominent flustered look on my face, he catches my eyes.

*internal screaming I CANTOT be mad at him look at his face he's even more gorgeous than I remember*

"Don't worry this ones on me, try not to be late for the train this time" he says with a massive smirk on his face, he grabs his brownie and before he walks off he quickly mutters while nudging me at the same time
"oh good choice as well SK, didn't know you were the brownie type"

Wait what?
How does he know my name?
Not even my normal name it's my nick name that no one has called me since second year.
Okay maybe I heard wrong. I must of.
Surely this is a joke?
Surely I'm dreaming?
I must be ... arriving and there's no queue, massive cake selection, draco sitting in amongst muggles, draco speaking to me, draco knowing my name, draco paying for my hot chocolate and brownie.
It makes sense I clearly am dreaming

"okay I'm freaking out" I say to myself  "but I can't" I snap back to what I think is reality, I start heading to the platform, I still have 5 minutes until the train departs.

How did all of that happen within the space of 10 minutes?

I don't know what is going on and I don't know how to feel about it?

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