Chapter 4

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The train starts moving as soon as he closes the compartment door.
I look over at Carmen to see her face in complete shock but also with a hint of a smile.
"What on earth just happened, did I miss something?" Carmen says staring at me with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face.

"I have no idea it all happened so fast" I said still in shock myself.

"Draco Malfoy, only the boy you've been crushing on forever" she lets out with a squeak at the end, her words filled with pure excitement.

"Don't get too excited I don't know what happened and anyway, I'm not really into Draco that much anymore I just want to focus on school this year I told you that" I said trying to brush it off like I was calm when really I was only starting to catch my breath again.

"What do you mean? Ok yeah we spoke about it over the break but you can't let that just go by like he carried your trunk Skye - I - he - he doesn't even carry his own trunk he makes one of the first or second years do it" carmen said.

"I know, well I don't know to be honest I actually don't understand" I was laughing in pure confusion.

I tell carmen what happened this morning how I saw him at the coffee shop then he was gone, then he was right behind me, basically breathing down my neck, paying for my hot chocolate. Speaking to me like I was just his friend like he had knew me and I knew him.  When really he didn't know me ... or so I thought.

After we finally stop talking about draco and this mornings occurrence I finally get to ask carmen how she is.
She hardly sees her parents and she acts like it's not a problem but deep down I can see past her trying to pass it off like it's nothing - and I think she knows I can see it, she just doesn't like to actually admit it to anyone.

But I know she trusts me - she tells me everything and I tell her everything. People often say soul mates can come in many forms, mine is definitely carmen she so precious and I hope she's in my life forever.

Another hour passes by as we sit and both stare out the window watching the mountains and trees go by so fast - this is another reason I know she's my soul mate we can sit for hours on end in silence and pick up like nothings happened.

She appreciates the silence and so do I.

As the mountains slowly get bigger and the noise from outside of our compartment starts to die down we knew we were getting close to Hogwarts.

Another 5 minutes pass and I looked out the window and I can see hogwarts in the distance I start to slowly get myself together and prepared for getting off the train and going home.

The train slowly comes to a halt and me and carmen stand up. I always have to help her with her trunks because she always brings far to many but I don't mind means I can borrow some of her stuff if I need without feeling bad.

Ugh but this whole time draco hasn't left my mind? I still can't get over what happened, but for just now I need to try and get it out of my head and focus on how between the 2 of us we are going to carry all her trunks, mine and silks cage -  just as well she has a cat which she named drape and she has the biggest crush on ... yes ... professor snape. So drape doesn't need to be carried thats her excuse for bringing extra clothes.

We eventually arrive at the castle and on our arrival we are told that certain changes have been brought into play and certain dorms have been closed off or split up and how some people will now have a room to their selfs  ... everyone seems excited but not me and carmen we love sharing our room it's always just been the 2 of us and it couldn't be more perfect for us.  

Professor mcgonagall reads off a list of names and tells us unless she has said our name we are free to go to our usual dorm,  she named about 10 people and I think they were all boys and of course one of them is draco.

Me and carmen headed to our rooms excited as ever, the best part about the first night was unpacking and seeing what amazing clothes carmen had got off her parents this time. She said the only reason they bought her so much was to make up for all the time that they were away. Again she acted like this never bothered her.

We always done a crazy fashion show I tried to make this as light hearted for her as possible and she always seemed to get right into it and have fun.

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