Chapter 5

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Midway through the chaos of unpacking she starts showing me all her clothes, trying certain things on and trying to force me to do it with her. She does this every single time, and I try and get out of it every time but she always wins and gets me in either some totally crazy get up that even I know doesn't match at all, or she has me in something I say is far to small or short for me but she just says I look sexy and moves onto the next outfit.

This time it was so bad it was a short skin tight black dress, which she had to yank on just to get it over my head we were out in the common room by this point which we shared it was amazing, we have a room upstairs big enough for 5 people so we take 2 beds each and push them together so we would have a massive double bed each and use the other one just to chill on.

So the first night of unpacking and setting everything up in our room was always so fun, we had sorted out our bedroom for the next year - carmen and I always joked about and said her parents bought her this room for us because it just didn't make any sense how we had a room that fit 5 people and a big common room between the 2 of us. But, unfazed we continued trying out different outfits.

I was about to take off the black dress and there was a loud knock at the door, we panicked "surely the music isn't that loud" carmen said pulling on a jumper while running over to answer the door.

She opened the door and in walked professor snape with draco and blaise.
"Oh looking lovely girls, are you having a party" laughed blaise
Draco nudged him "shut up".

"Girls you will both be sharing your common room with Draco and blaise so please make sure it's an environment suitable for all 4 of you. " Snape said in his dorset tone - after this snape walked over turned the music down and walked out slamming the door behind him.

"If this is how they dress its good enough for me" blaise said while staring down at my legs, I felt so nervous I had never wore something like this around a boy before.

Before I knew it someone had just threw a blanket towards me, I turned round "thank you carm-" but to my surprised it was draco he tried to discreetly look me up and down and then raised his eyebrows and his mouth turned up into a small smile "your welcome I guess, we'll leave you girls too it - but just try and be fully dressed next time as this is our common room as well now" Draco said while grabbing blaise and both of them walking out the room closing the door behind them.

What was happening? Surely none of this was actually real.

We got changed into more comfortable clothing and started to head down for dinner, my head was spinning I couldn't put together why all this was happening?

Draco seeing me like that my stomach was in knots, what does he think of me now?

Me and carmen walked down to the slytherin table to get some food we normally sit close to the edge with some others, we have small talk with but nothing major but when we got down draco, blaise and pansy were already sitting at the table we normally sat at.

That's it's I really thought I was going to vomit, carmen dragged me over to the table while telling me everything was going to be fine and in actual fact they were sitting at our table so if anyone had to leave it would be them. Carmen was brave like that I could never have the courage to say something like that.

But anyway we got to the table and Pansy looked me and carmen up and down but more carmen, they didn't get on carmen didn't know what it was but she just said pansy's vibes were off , which I knew anyways but I guess I could just hide it better than carmen.

I sat down at the closest side of the table to me where Draco was and left enough space to my right hand side so thinking that carmen would squeeze in between us to avoid any awkward tension between me and Draco. But of course she didn't she sat down to the empty left hand side of me and smirked and said "slide up, draco doesn't bite".

Draco clearly heard this as when I looked at him almost for confirmation that it was okay for me to scoot up and sit closer to him, he just smiled but didn't say a word.

I took a deep breath and moved closer to him, not too close to invaid his personal space but close enough that I felt uneasy. But I thought to myself, I had to push myself I had been infatuated with Draco for years I know had a chance to even be friends with him and that's an opportunity I have to take.

He looked at me and then looked down at the space I had left and he then took the decision to move closer and fill the gap, he looked back up at me and said "oh cosy"

We all sat for a while and had small talk pansy and carmen constantly having digs at each other.
I slowly started to forget about the non existent gap between me and Draco and tried to let my guard down a bit. But I still felt so uncomfortable I don't know what it was the full day just felt so off.

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