June 1996

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The next morning Lucy woke with a slight headache. She shrugged it off knowing it was because of herself. It was Saturday and the first of June which meant the quidditch final. It was Gryffindor against Ravenclaw, as Slytherin had lost their last game to Ravenclaw by only ten points.

A lot of the Slytherin students would be staying up at the castle but a few of them wandered down to watch the game.

As Lucy and Tina came downstairs into the common room there were a few people in there, some on the couches, and some on the table.

As they made their way out to the Great Hall for breakfast, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle followed behind them.

"So, how was your prefect's dinner then?" Goyle asked, sitting opposite Tina and Lucy. Draco sat down in front of Lucy between Crabbe and Goyle and raised his eyebrow at her.

"It was fine." Lucy answered with a smile.

"Yes, I think someone enjoyed the beverages a bit too much." Draco teased.

Lucy dropped her gaze in embarrassment.

"Beverages?" Tina asked, looking to both Lucy and Draco. "What did they have?" She added.

"Champagne from what I remember." Lucy answered quietly. Draco smirked at her response and Tina gasped in excitement from there being alcohol on school grounds. "I don't think Umbridge knew we had it though." Lucy added quickly.

Lucy made it through breakfast and her and Tina spent majority of the weekend outside as the weather was beginning to warm up. Towards the end of the day Draco, Crabbe and Goyle made their way over to where Lucy and Tina were sitting.

"Hey." They all said as they sat down in the grass with them.

"Hey." Lucy said as Tina continued reading out loud the book she had.

"How are we all feeling about our OWLs next week?" Tina said after she put down her book.

"We all know Lucy's going to ace them." Crabbe said shaking his head.

"Maybe if you studied as much as I did you would too." Lucy teased him.

Crabbe rolled his eyes at her comment as they continued chatting.

"Do you want to do something for your birthday?" Lucy asked Draco as they headed inside the castle.

"No, we'll all be too busy studying for our OWLs, no point." He answered.

"Alright, well how about we do something during the break?" Lucy asked, optimistic.

"If I have to." Draco sighed. He rolled his eyes as her happy expression.

The following week their Professors began reviewing for the OWLs, and Draco asked Lucy to help him study for their divination OWL.

"Okay, I've had enough." Draco exclaimed, throwing his quill onto his notebook.

"We haven't been studying for very long." Lucy said rolling her eyes.

It was Thursday afternoon and Draco and Lucy were hidden away in a back corner in the library, trying to study together. They hadn't spoken about what happened the night of the Prefect dinner, but Lucy figured they never would.

"That's because this is a boring class." Draco responded. Lucy glared at him and shook her head. "Anyway, studying is just about the only time I get with you, alone." Draco added. He leant back in his chair, completely unbothered.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you missed spending time with me." Lucy teased, pouting at him.

"I don't." Draco murmured. Lucy smirked at him and watched as he rolled his eyes, pretending like he didn't. Lucy kept pushing Draco to focus and before they knew it they had been studying for over an hour straight.

The Slytherin Princess - Year FiveWhere stories live. Discover now