January 1995

173 6 0

The return to school in term three explored a range of emotions to all the students. Lucy had wanted to tell Draco about their D.A. class, but she knew better.

"Are you ready?" Draco asked her as she clutched onto the broom, walking out onto the quidditch field.

"As I'll ever be." Lucy responded, giving him a half encouraging smile. Umbridge still hadn't given the other teams the go ahead to start practicing yet, so the Slytherin team were out as often as they could be.

The one afternoon they had off, Draco made sure to drag Lucy out and teach her. She had on a spare set of quidditch pads that were slightly too big for her, but even too big protection was better than none at all.

"Alright, mount your broom and kick off." He said.

"I know how to ride a broomstick, Draco." Lucy teased. He rolled his eyes as she kicked off from the ground and flew around them, hovering up in the sky, waiting for him.

Lucy breathed in the fresh air. It was still freezing cold outside, but she knew Draco would work her hard enough where she would warm up quickly.

Lucy looked back down to the pitch and saw Draco mounting his broom before kicking off the ground and flying up to where she was sitting. Looking at him so effortlessly flying up to her made her blush slightly. He looked good on a broom, almost natural.

"Alright, let's get started." He said and began explaining some key points to Lucy.

"I need a break!" Lucy called out after about half an hour of flying. Draco nodded and they flew down to the ground for a brief break.

"You're doing good, you just need to remember not to sit so far back on your broom." Draco said when they landed.

"Easy for you to say, I struggle to stay on." Lucy said laughing. Draco shook his head at her, and they caught their breath over the next few minutes before Draco told her they had to keep going.

At the end of the second half hour Lucy was exhausted. Muscles hurt she didn't even know she had.

"That was brutal." She said as they walked back up to the castle.

"You'll get used to it. We'll come out here again next week. Hey, don't suppose you want to head up to the Prefects bathroom now?" Draco asked.

"I suppose so." Lucy answered, almost shyly.

Draco met Lucy in the prefect common room after they had gathered their things and made their way up to the fifth floor where the prefect's bathroom was. It was late in the afternoon and most of the other students were in their dorms.

They quietly headed up the corridor, for fear of being caught, though Draco didn't seem to care at all.

As they entered the bathroom Lucy gasped at the sight of it. It was huge. "That is like the size of a swimming pool." Lucy exclaimed to Draco as they walked around the edge of the bath. On one side were an assortment of soaps, shampoos and bath salts, and on the other were shelves with towels and bathrobes. They placed their things on top of the shelving beside the bath and Lucy turned on the taps to begin filling up the bath, pouring in some soap to create bubbles in the water. Draco began undressing out of his quidditch robes and Lucy quickly turned around, blushing.

"You don't have to turn around." Draco teased. 

Lucy rolled her eyes at him, "yes I do. It would be weird if I suddenly saw you completely naked." Lucy blurted.

"You'll have to see me naked eventually." He replied. Lucy rolled her eyes and listened as Draco kicked off his shoes and undone his belt. It wasn't long before she could hear him descending into the water.

The Slytherin Princess - Year FiveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang