July 1995

202 6 5

"Pansy, what are we doing?" Lucy asked, confused.

"Don't do it if you don't want to." Pansy said sincerely, before pushing open the library door. Theo, Blaise and another boy Lucy didn't recognise were in there.

She watched as Theo poured a glass bottle of liquid into tiny glasses.

She looked to Daphne, still confused. "Shots." Daphne said quietly. She turned back to the three boys who suddenly threw back the glass of liquid into their mouths, swallowing it whole. Lucy watched as Blaise and the other boy screwed their faces up after they had finished.

Pansy walked over to Theo and asked him something in hushed tones. Lucy and Daphne waited until Pansy looked over at them and motioned them over to her.

"Do you want one?" Pansy asked Lucy. She looked from Pansy, to Daphne and then to Theo who was pouring out another three shots.

"Okay." Lucy said, shrugging.

Pansy gave her an impressed smile as she waited for Theo to finish pouring.

"Okay, ready?" Pansy asked excited. "One, two, three!" She counted, before she, Lucy and Daphne downed the shot. As soon as the liquid hit the back of Lucy's throat, it burned her. She swallowed the cold liquid and the after taste made her screw her face up.

"Fire whiskey." Lucy said, recognizing the foul taste. Pansy and Daphne laughed at her reaction before their eyes moved to the doorframe and their expressions dropped. Lucy looked over her shoulder at the figure standing at the door.

"You know," Draco began, "if you're going to drink my liquor, at least have the decency to invite me." He said, walking over to them before stopping in front of Lucy. His eyes shot down to the glass in her hand and he took it swiftly, holding it out for Theo to refill.

Theo quickly refilled the shot and in one swift motion, Draco had finished his, with no reaction.

Lucy smirked, impressed as Theo led Blaise, the other boy, Daphne and Pansy back to the sitting room.

"That was dumb of you." Draco snapped at her when the others had shut the door behind them.

"What?" Lucy asked him confused. "You did it too." She snapped back.

"I can handle my liquor." Draco retorted, staring into her eyes. Lucy took a step back from him.

"Go fuck yourself Draco." Lucy said as she shook her head in annoyance and pushed past him, heading for the door.

"My point exactly." Draco called out to her, letting out a sick laugh. Lucy spun on her heel and faced him. "Just quit while you're ahead." Draco said, laughing.

"Fuck off, Draco." Lucy snapped again, shaking her head at him again.

Draco closed the space between them quickly at her words, pushing her up against the door with his hand against her throat. "Don't speak to me like that." He said through his teeth.

"Go. Fuck. Yourself." Lucy spoke, not backing down from him. 

Draco took one look at her all over before Lucy felt her insides twist at his smirk. Before she knew it, Draco had his lips on hers, pushing her back against the door harder with his body.

Lucy sunk into the kiss and bit his bottom lip, causing him to moan in her mouth. They held the embrace for minutes until Draco pulled back, still holding his grip on her throat.

"Speak to me like that again and next time I'll leave you bruised." He said letting her go before he turned around and headed back over to the table where the glasses and liquor sat. Lucy took a second to calm her breathing as she watched him. He half looked over his shoulder at her as he smirked to himself. "Want one?" he asked coolly.

The Slytherin Princess - Year FiveWhere stories live. Discover now