May 1996

157 6 0

As if by sensing her thoughts he stood upright and turned around, facing her.

She stopped in her tracks and just watched him, careful not to make any sudden movements. She felt like prey to him.

"Right, let's go." He finally said and began making his way out of the common room. Lucy froze for a second, before realizing what he had said and followed him out. He had held the door open for her as she walked out of the common room and the two of them silently walked out of the main common room and upstairs to where the dinner was being held.

She was about to say something to him but quickly shut herself down. She knew if he wanted to talk with her he would. She continued battling with her own thoughts as they rounded the corner to the dinner.

"This should be fun." Draco whispered sarcastically, half to himself, half to Lucy as he pushed open the door and held it open for Lucy. She didn't say anything to him but let herself look up into his eyes as she walked through the door. He stared back down at her and she had to force herself to look away as she entered the room.

She looked around the room, it was a small dining room that sat a table in the middle, surrounded by chairs. It was a dark room, lit by lights all around the walls. Two doors sat on one of the walls and paintings covered the remainder empty spots.

"Ah, Lucy, Draco, welcome." The Head Boy said as they entered, he carried over two glasses to them and they both accepted them.

Lucy took a sip of the liquid, recognizing the taste of the champagne immediately, and drank it quicker, hoping it would numb her soon.

She looked around the room and her eyes fell onto Hermione and Ron who were deep in conversation. Lucy quietly made her way over to them.

"Hey you two." She said, accidentally interrupting them. She looked at them both, impressed at how lovely they both looked. Hermione was dressed in a red frilly dress with matching red heels and Ron wore an off-white shirt with navy dress pants.

"Hey Lucy. How are you?" Hermione asked, giving her elbow a squeeze.

Lucy nodded, "I've been better." She answered honestly.

The three of them made small talk for a few minutes before the Head Boy and Head Girl called everyone over to the table. As she sat down, another student dressed in waiter apparel quickly leant over her shoulder and refilled her glass, before going around the table and doing the same for everyone.

Lucy sat between Hermione and Draco and prayed the night would go smoothly. She quickly took a sip from her glass and relaxed as the cool bubbly liquid sank down her throat. There was a welcome speech, that was careful not to say anything too terrible, as Draco was still part of the Inquisitorial Squad, before they announced the dinner, and everyone began eating and chatting away.

It didn't take Lucy long to finish her second glass of drink and soon it was filled back up again. "You might want to slow down on those." Draco leant in and whispered to her. Lucy shot him a look to shut him up as she began to sip away at the drink quickly. The young waiter having to return sooner than normal to refill it.

Halfway through the dinner, and about five glasses of champagne down, Lucy excused herself from the table, slipping away to the bathroom.

When she got into the bathroom she held onto the sink and look at herself in the mirror. She could feel her cheeks getting flushed and quickly ran the cold water and patted herself, trying to cool them down.

She grabbed the hand towel beside her and patted herself dry, taking in a deep breath she pulled herself together and walked back out to the party and took her seat again.

She noticed that Draco hardly took his eyes off her for the rest of the night. While she tried to pace herself with her drinks, she couldn't help but finish them rather quickly, and by the end of the evening she had downed nine glasses of champagne.

She was rather tipsy as she said goodbye to Hermione, Ron and the other prefects and thanked the Head Boy and Head Girl for the evening. She could hear the slurring of her words and straightened herself up in hopes to sober up quickly.

She didn't realise as they left the party, that Draco had his arm around her waist. She looked at him before focusing on her feet in front of her.

"I told you to slow down on the drinks." Draco said to her, rolling his eyes. His voice echoed closely in her ear and she felt a shiver run down her spine from it.

"Like I ever listen to anything you say." She finally said. She was well and truly not sober by the time they got down the last staircase and were close to reaching the Slytherin common room.

"So you've made perfectly clear." He responded, sighing disappointedly.

"That's not fair." Lucy snapped, turning to face him. Draco just blinked at her. "You have no right to tell me what to do." She added, crossing her arms over her body.

"Merlin, you definitely have had way too much to drink." He said, giving her a half laugh. Lucy frowned at him and felt her body go hot with anger.

Without even thinking about it she slapped him across the face, hard.

"Seriously?" He snapped, facing her. Lucy did nothing but frown at him angrily. "God." He drawled, "you've really outdone yourself this time." He sarcastically commented.

Lucy's jaw dropped open, "shut up would you?" Lucy snapped. "I get it, you're angry with me and disappointed and everything else in between. Alright? I get it. You have made it perfectly clear you no longer want anything to do with me. So let's just leave it at that, shall we?" Lucy declared. She began walking off in the direction of the Slytherin entry when Draco pulled on her hand, forcing her to face him.

"You're so god damn annoying." He said, frowning at her. Lucy felt the anger rising in her again and was about to punch him this time when instead, she grabbed his face in her hands and pulled him into a kiss.

She felt his hands wrap around her waist as she pulled him closer to her, the two of them exploring each other's mouths. She felt the cool stone on her back as he pushed her up against it, grabbing her hands and holding them against the wall, hard. 

It was almost painful, but she liked it. Draco pulled both of her arms above her head and held them there with one hand, the other slid down her arm and stopped at her neck. He tightened his grip slowly on her neck, careful to only go as far as she could handle and when she bit his bottom lip playfully he released his grip on her throat.

Lucy arched her pelvis forward into his and the two of them stayed rough on each other as Draco dropped her hands and squeezed her thigh. Lucy moaned in enjoyment before he pulled back, the both of them panting, catching their breaths.

Draco didn't say anything as he grabbed her hand and dragged her into the Slytherin common room. Lucy didn't know what he was doing but part of her wished it would be more of what they were just doing. As they passed through the common room Draco stopped at the portrait of the prefect's entrance. Quickly saying the password they both entered, and Draco pulled Lucy's arm forward and up the stairs. She led the way to her room and stood out the front of her door, turning around to find Draco not moving. He opened her door and motioned her to enter.

Before she could beg him to come in with her, he had already shut her door and headed for his own room. Lucy sighed and rested on the cool wall beside her for a moment, collecting herself.

After a minute she dragged herself into the shower. The shower sobered her up quickly, but she was still tipsy as she hopped into bed and fell into a deep sleep.

The Slytherin Princess - Year FiveWhere stories live. Discover now