September 1995

191 6 1

Lucy sat on the train with Draco, Tina, Crabbe and Goyle as it took off from Kings Cross Station. It had only been a couple of days since they last saw each other but they still chatted as if they had years of things to catch up on.

"I can't believe you both got Prefect! Pansy is going to be so mad." Tina exclaimed. "Now we can officially call you both the Slytherin Prince and Princess!" She added. Lucy just shook her head.

During the train ride, Lucy and Draco were invited to a prefects meeting in a special carriage. When they got there, it was full of other students. Hermione and Ron stood awkwardly together as Lucy made her way over.

"Hey, congratulations you two." Lucy said, referring to their prefect status.

"You too!" Hermione said.

As Lucy and Draco sat down, the Head Boy and Head Girl began explaining the responsibilities of the prefects.

After the meeting was over, Draco and Lucy headed back to their compartment for the remainder of the train ride.

It was dark when the train pulled up to the station and Lucy and the others made their way off the train. She and Tina were walking behind Draco, Crabbe and Goyle when suddenly a group of people caught Draco's attention.

"I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free." Draco said, turning to Harry Potter. Ron and Hermione were behind him and Lucy sighed in disappointment at Draco's comment. "Better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." He laughed at Harry, turning to Crabbe and Goyle and saying quieter, "what'd I tell you? Complete nutter." The three of them laughing.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry yelled, lunging forward at Draco before Ron pulled him back. Lucy quickly ran up to Draco and began pushing him away, turning back to Hermione and the others she mouthed sorry to them.

"Why'd you have to go and do that?" Lucy said when they were away from Harry and the others.

Draco just rolled his eyes at her and the five of them boarded a carriage. It was a clear night and Lucy looked up at the stars during the ride.

"You know," Tina began, "I'm surprised we haven't had an interaction with Pansy yet. Normally she's all over Draco by now." Tina teased looking to Draco for an explanation.

"Don't look at me." He answered.

"I heard she was having a thing with Zabini. Maybe she's obsessing over him now." Lucy joked, shrugging.

"What? Zabini and Parkinson?" Draco asked surprised. Lucy nodded her head and watched the boys faces turn from shock to impressed. The five of them laughed and chatted the remainder of the ride up to the castle.

At the Great Hall, Lucy and Tina sat opposite Draco and the boys and waited for Professor McGonagall to bring in the new first years.

A few figures entering the hall pulled Lucy's gaze to the entrance. Theo walked in with Blaise, Daphne and Pansy and the four of them made their way over to where they were sitting.

"Hey." Lucy whispered to them as The sorting ceremony began.

"I swear, they get smaller every year." Tina whispered to Lucy who nodded in agreement.

After the sorting ceremony, Professor Dumbledore stood to make the start of the year announcements.

"Good evening, children. Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures, while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave." He began.

The Slytherin Princess - Year FiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora